Voz de América La Cámara de Comercio de Hollywood informó que reemplazará la estrella de Donald Trump en el Paseo de la Fama, destruida al amanecer del miércoles. La policía de Los Ángeles investiga el daño ocasionado a la estrella de Donald Trump en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood, mientras la Cámara de […]readmore
Voz de América EE.UU. aclaró que decisión no significa que estén de acuerdo con todas las políticas y prácticas del gobierno cubano, particularmente en derechos humanos. Por primera vez, Estados Unidos se abstiene de votar sobre una resolución de Naciones Unidas en la que urgen el levantamiento del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero contra Cuba. […]readmore
Margaret Besheer VOA News UNITED NATIONS — For the first time, the United States has abstained from a U.N. resolution urging the lifting of Washington’s nearly 60-year old economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba. For the past 25 years, the U.N. General Assembly has held a symbolic annual vote calling for an end to the […]readmore
NAHREP Congratulates Rodrigo Lopez for His Historic Appointment by the MBA Board Washington, DC – October 26, 2016 – The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) congratulates the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) and Rodrigo Lopez for his appointment as their 2017 chairman. As the first Latino in the MBA’s 100-year history to hold […]readmore
Voz de América El Obamacare ha sido duramente atacado por los republicanos, quienes ahora señalan que tales aumentos son una advertencia de que la reforma de 2010 está en una «espiral de muerte». Las primas de los seguros médicos del programa de salud mejor conocido como Obamacare subirán en promedio un 25% el próximo año […]readmore
Voz de América Los equipos de búsqueda encontraron al hombre y a sus hijos en el bosque cerca del río. El padre fue encontrado muerto en la escena. La policía no han identificado de quién se trata. Dos niños se recuperan al intento de suicidio, luego de que su padre los tomara y saltara de […]readmore
VOA News There’s more bad news for Twitter. The troubled microblogging site is planning to reduce its workforce by 8 percent, according to Bloomberg News. The report comes on the heels of the company failing to find a buyer. Twitter reportedly is seeking to eliminate around 300 people, around the same number cut when Twitter […]readmore
VOA News Ride hailing service Uber is offering free flu shots to customers in select U.S. cities. “This flu season, we’re delivering free flu-fighting care packages across the country,” the company said in a blog post. “When you receive a pack, you’ll have the option to request a free flu shot from a registered nurse […]readmore
June Soh VOA News WASHINGTON — «The Art of the Qur’an», the first major exhibition of its type in the United States that opened Oct. 22 in Washington, features more than 60 of the most important manuscripts of and about the Quran, created over more than 1,000 years across the Islamic world – from North Africa […]readmore
HOUSTON — Texas, a state known for oil production, has become a leader in the development and use of renewable energy, especially wind power. And solar energy production is growing rapidly in the “Lone Star state” spurred on by the state’s abundant sunshine and the sharp drop in the price of solar panels in recent years. […]readmore