El presidente Donald Trump y su esposa Melania, acompañados del vicepresidente Mike Pence y su esposa presidieron en la Casa Blanca un minuto de silencio en honor de las víctimas del tiroteo masivo en Las Vegas, Nevada. Con las banderas a media asta en la mansión ejecutiva, como en toda la nación por orden de […]readmore
Al menos 58 personas murieron y más de 515 fueron trasladadas heridas a hospitales cuando un francotirador disparó desde uno de los pisos superiores del Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino hacia una multitud que asistía a un festival de música al aire libre en Las Vegas, Nevada, el domingo por la noche. LEA: Declaraciones del presidente Donald Trump […]readmore
VOA News Police in Las Vegas, Nevada say a man opened fire on a country music concert late Sunday, killing at least 58 people and wounding more than 515 others, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. President Donald Trump called it an «act of pure evil.» Las Vegas Metropolitan Police identified the […]readmore
We are working around the clock to help the people of Puerto Rico recover from Hurricanes Maria and Irma. We set up a website that will let anyone stateside (regardless of carrier) to register the cell phone number of a family member or friend who is an AT&T wireless customer in Puerto Rico. When the […]readmore
WASHINGTON — El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés) celebrará el Día de la Constitución y el Día de la Ciudadanía, que se conmemora el día 17 de septiembre, con cerca de 200 ceremonias de naturalización en todo el país, como parte de la Semana de la […]readmore
Estados Unidos anunció que ha realizado con éxito una prueba de su sistema de intercepción de misiles, (THAAD por sus siglas en inglés). La Agencia de Defensa de Misiles de Estados Unidos informó que logró derribar un misil enemigo simulado, lanzado desde un avión de combate sobre el Océano Pacífico al norte de Hawái. El […]readmore
VOA News – Cindy Saine STATE DEPARTMENT — Despite temperatures soaring above 50 Celsius in Kuwait City, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson scored a first tentative victory for cool diplomacy on his push to help find a resolution to the month-long blockade of Qatar by its Persian Gulf neighbors.Standing beside Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin […]readmore
VOA News Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has delayed the beginning of the chamber’s August recess in an attempt to complete work on the Republican bill to overhaul the nation’s health care coverage law and deal with Trump administration nominees. The Republican lawmaker announced the decision Tuesday in a statement that included a criticism of […]readmore
VOA News/Michael Bowman CAPITOL HILL — After a weeklong recess, Senate Republicans returned to Washington on Monday still searching for a legislative formula to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s health care law, known as Obamacare. Conservative Republicans want to dramatically pare back the federal government’s role in health care, but moderates worry that […]readmore
VOA News A U.S. Marine Corps plane crashed Monday in the southern state of Mississippi, killing 16 military personnel. Officials said the KC-130 plane, a refueling tanker, went down in a soybean field about 135 kilometers north of Mississippi’s capital city, Jackson. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear. Marine Corps spokeswoman Captain […]readmore