Jim Malone/VOA News WASHINGTON — To some, it may seem like just another week at the Trump White House. Word of a potentially historic breakthrough on North Korea is forced to compete with a scathing assessment of the president by his former FBI director. Add into the mix, court appearances earlier in the week by his […]readmore
Former U.S. first lady Barbara Bush has died at 92. A family statement said she died Tuesday evening with her family beside her. “My dear mother has passed on at age 92,” former President George W. Bush said in a statement. “Laura, Barbara, Jenna, and I are sad, but our souls are settled because we […]readmore
La ex Primera dama de Estados Unidos, Barbara Bush, ha muerto a los 92 años, informó un portavoz de la familia. La señora Bush, fue solo una de dos primeras damas estadounidenses que también fue madre de un presidente. La otra era Abigail Adams, esposa de John Adams y madre de John Quincy Adams. La […]readmore
El pasado sábado se reunió un grupo de personas de las ciudades de Central Falls y Pawtucket, donde se proclamó que estas comunidades ya tienen una Voz. Es claro que nadie conoce mejor su ciudad y el estado que sus residentes, la reunión empezó con un desayuno y la bienvenida a los participantes. Estuvo presente […]readmore
Voz de America – La ex primera dama de Estados Unidos Barbara Bush está grave y no se le prestará más atención médica, informó el domingo un portavoz de la familia. “Tras una serie de hospitalizaciones recientes, y tras consultar con su familia y sus médicos, la señora Bush, de 92 años de edad, ha […]readmore
Peggy Chang/VOA News WHITE HOUSE — Hosting leaders of Baltic states at the White House Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump discussed how to strengthen security, business, trade, energy, and cultural partnerships between the United States and the three NATO allies. The White House said Trump and the leaders of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were also were […]readmore
VOA News White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says President Donald Trump proposed the White House as a potential place to host a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The suggestion came during a March 20 call between the two leaders. Trump said after that call he hoped to meet with Putin «in the […]readmore
WASHINGTON– U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced the approval of Idaho, Mississippi and Rhode Island’s consolidated state plans under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). «The state plans met ESSA’s requirements, and I am pleased to approve them,» said Secretary DeVos. «I look forward to seeing how these states dive deeper into the flexibility […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI - In response to a press release issued Friday by Rhode Island Public Radio (RIPR) regarding the future of Latino Public Radio (LPR), Reynaldo Almonte, CEO, President and General Manager of LPR is invoking The Public Radio Conversions Act in an effort to save the station’s signal at 1290 AM. The Public Radio […]readmore
(Nueva York, NY – febrero del 2018) La Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA y el Hispanic Health Network, anunció que se unirá a Compassion and Choices en la campaña para que se autorice la Ley de Ayuda Médica Para Morir de Nueva York (S.3151/A.2383) lo más pronto posible. El proyecto de ley daría a los […]readmore