VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar ended her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Monday, with plans to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden. Her decision came a day before Super Tuesday, when voters head to the polls in 14 states. Klobuchar, from the Midwestern state of Minnesota, positioned herself as […]readmore
VOA News By Chris Hannas The competition for the Democratic presidential nomination expands significantly Tuesday with voters in 14 states casting their ballots in support of the candidate they want to oppose President Donald Trump in the November national election. About one-third of the delegates that will be awarded during the state-by-state voting process are up […]readmore
VOA NEWS A gunman in the U.S. city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killed five people before killing himself Wednesday at a Molson Coors brewery. Police identified the shooter as a 51-year-old man but have withheld his name and the names of his victims until their families are notified. “There were five individuals who went to work […]readmore
VOA News A new Gallup survey released Thursday shows that 53% of respondents, led by those who identified as Republicans, are satisfied with the position of the United States in the world. That figure is up 8 percentage points from last year and is the highest since 2003. Gallup reported a sharp partisan divide, but […]readmore
VOA News After 120 years and nearly 200 failed efforts, the U.S. House of Representatives finally passed a bill Wednesday making lynching a federal hate crime. The vote was 210 to 4. The Senate unanimously passed similar legislation last year. It now goes to President Donald Trump for his signature. A number of House members […]readmore
VOA News Laura Sepúlveda NUEVA YORK — La sentencia por narcotráfico contra Tony Hernández –hermano del presidente hondureño Juan Orlando Hernández- fue aplazada este viernes, según documentos a los que tuvo acceso la Voz de América. Se trata de dos nuevos documentos donde Hernández hace peticicón de un abogado de oficio al juez de caso, y en […]readmore
VOA News AP Una segunda oleada de influenza azota a Estados Unidos convirtiendo a la actual temporada en una de las peores para los niños en una década. La cifra de muertes infantiles y la tasa de hospitalización de niños son las más altas registradas en esta fecha para cualquier temporada desde el severo brote […]readmore
VOA News Cindy Saine El secretario de Estado Mike Pompeo se encuentra en Senegal, donde sostendrá conversaciones con el presidente Macky Sall, centradas en fortalecer los lazos de seguridad y promover una cooperación económica más profunda. Estados Unidos reconoció oficialmente a Senegal como un estado independiente en 1960, y los dos países han forjado una […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press ALT LAKE CITY – The Trump administration is asking Congress for $1.5 billion over 10 years to create a new national stockpile of U.S.-mined uranium, saying that propping up U.S. uranium production in the face of cheaper imports is a matter of vital energy security. But some Democratic lawmakers, and market […]readmore
VOA News By Ayaz Gul, Carla Babb ISLAMABAD / MUNICH – U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Saturday that consultations were still underway on setting a start date for a seven-day trial of reduced violence negotiated with the Taliban in Afghanistan. “That is a moving date because we are still doing consultations, if you will, … […]readmore