WASHINGTON – Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Chair David N. Cicilline (RI-01) issued the following statement tonight: “Nothing is more important than protecting the safety and well-being of the American people. The House is providing the resources and leadership our country needs during this time of crisis. A week ago, we passed an $8.3 billion […]readmore
By VOA News U.S. President Donald Trump said on Twitter Friday morning that there will soon be COVID testing «on a very large scale basis.» He added that «All the Red Tape has been cut,» but he did not give any details or indication about when or how the testing would begin. He said the Centers […]readmore
VOA NEWS By Carol Pearson WASHINGTON – Despite worldwide efforts to contain the new coronavirus, COVID-19 is now a pandemic. Health experts say community spread is happening in the U.S., and the known cases are just the tip of the iceberg. When COVID-19 first erupted in China, infectious disease experts at hospitals in the U.S. took […]readmore
WASHIGNTON — El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, declaró este viernes el estado de emergencia nacional con el objetivo de frenar la pandemia del coronavirus. «Para desatar todo el poder del gobierno federal, declaro oficialmente el estado de emergencia nacional», anunció el mandatario durante una ceremonia celebrada en los jardines de la Casa Blanca, […]readmore
WHITE HOUSE – U.S. President Donald Trump said he is declaring a national emergency, invoking the Stafford Act to allow more federal aid to stream to states and cities to combat the coronavirus pandemic. «We will overcome the threat of the virus,” the president said Friday afternoon at a nationally-televised news conference from the White House […]readmore
Las medidas se refieren a escuelas, hogares de ancianos y viajeros internacionales. Mientras Rhode Island continúa respondiendo a la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), la gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo anunció hoy un conjunto de medidas amplias destinadas a limitar o prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en Rhode Island. Estas medidas se refieren a escuelas, hogares […]readmore
Measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and international travelers As Rhode Island continues to respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Governor Gina M. Raimondo announced a set of broad measures today intended to limit or prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Rhode Island. These measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and anyone who has traveled […]readmore
Just hours after announcing the closing of its California resort, Disney appears to be doing the same for Florida’s famed Walt Disney World Resort. According to a press release, the theme park will close to the public this Sunday, March 15. Disney Cruise Line will suspend all departures starting March 14. Both will last through […]readmore
The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to reconsider travel abroad due to the global impact of COVID-19. Many areas throughout the world are now experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and taking action that may limit traveler mobility, including quarantines and border restrictions. Even countries, jurisdictions, or areas where cases have not been reported may restrict travel […]readmore
By CDC COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance* Total cases: 938 Total deaths: 29 Jurisdictions reporting cases: 39 (38 states and District of Columbia) * Data include both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 reported to CDC or tested at CDC since January 21, 2020, with the exception of testing results for persons repatriated to the […]readmore