PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Federal, state and local leaders are expected to attend a rally Friday for comprehensive immigration reform hosted by Congressman David N. Cicilline, (D-RI) and his guest, Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), Cicilline’s office said.readmore
REVERE – Thursday, January 16, 2013 – Governor Deval Patrick today signed Executive Order No. 548 establishing a cross-Secretariat Task Force on School Safety and Security. This task force will be charged with developing a model school safety and security plan that school districts can adapt and implement to ensure that students and educators are […]readmore
Buttonwood Park Zoo Makes In Defense Of Animals’ 2013 List Of “Ten Worst Zoos For Elephants” – Grabs Fourth Spot San Rafael, Calif. – In Defense of Animals (IDA), an international animal protection organization, released today its list of the Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants for 2013. This marks IDA’s ten-year anniversary of exposing the […]readmore
Mayor Taveras, US Small Business Administration Renew Partnership to Support Business Growth, Development in Providence Partnership supports raising participation in state and federal incentive programs, a priority outlined in Mayor’s 20-point economic development plan PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Angel Taveras joined Rhode Island District Director Mark S. Hayward of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) […]readmore
Secretary Mollis reminds voters that Rhode Island’s VOTER ID law is in full effect, and the Woonsocket Special Primary will require valid Photo ID Woonsocket Special Primary first election of 2014 to Require Full Photo ID PROVIDENCE, RI — Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis is reminding voters that in the upcoming Woonsocket election, only […]readmore
Mayor Angel Taveras Appoints Johanna Harris to Providence’s Board of Licenses Accomplished attorney and business owner with long record of civic engagement, Harris is committed to “weighing all decisions in a manner that best positions our Capital City to prosper” PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Angel Taveras has appointed attorney Johanna Harris to serve as a […]readmore
Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent, of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces the arrest of two Massachusetts men for allegedly obtaining property valued at $380,000 under false pretenses. The arrests of John J. Jeannetti, age 52, of 18 Elkway, Norwood, Massachusetts, and Glen Conlon, age 35, of 15 Milton Lane, […]readmore
Secretario Mollis le recuerda a votantes que la ley de IDENTIFICACION DE VOTANTES esta en plena vigencia, y que la Elección Primaria Especial de Woonsocket requerirá Identificación con Fotografiá valida y vigente Elección Primaria Especial de Woonsocket, primera elección del 2014 requerirá Identificación con Fotografiá valida y vigente PROVIDENCE, RI — Secretario de Estado A. […]readmore
Rhode Island – So far five Latino politicians have announced that they are supporting the candidacy of Democrat General Treasurer Gina Raimondo for governor, according to an email from the Friends of Gina Raimondo. Providence Councilmen Luis Aponte and Davian Sanchez Sabina Matos to State Representatives and Anastasia Williams Grace Díaz join in supporting Raimondo. […]readmore
Rhode Island – The Justice Department of the United States found that thousands of disabled residents of Rhode Island were «unnecessarily segregated in day programs licensed by the state and other institutions». Federal authorities say that segregation is a violation of federal civil rights of residents and recommends that the state develop appropriate alternatives to […]readmore