Providence, R.I. (January 30, 2014) – On Monday, January 27, the Providence School Board adopted a resolution calling on the City of Providence to provide funding of $50 million through the issuance of school improvement bonds. In the resolution, the Board expressed its commitment to safe, caring and orderly environments that nurture effective teaching and learning, […]readmore
Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces that on January 29, 2014, members of the Computer Crimes Unit arrested George Demedeiros of 90 Pine Hill Road, North Scituate Rhode Island for Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses over $1500.00 via the online auction site The […]readmore
Pell for Governor Pell on Licenses for Undocumented Workers PROVIDENCE – Offering a bold platform of new ideas focused on restoring hope and rebuilding the Rhode Island economy, Clay Pell formally launched his campaign to win the Democratic gubernatorial nomination today. “It is time for Rhode Island come together, to bring in fresh perspectives and new approaches, […]readmore
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT hosted a 20th Anniversary Special Kick-Off Luncheon, Wednesday, January 29th, 2014, celebrating two decades of advocacy for children The keynote speaker was Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund who is the nation’s foremost child advocate. LPR Coverage of RI Kids Count Event 1/29/2014 Marian Wright Edelman […]readmore
PROVIDENCE – Today, Michael Solomon, president of the Providence City Council, announced his candidacy for Mayor of Providence. Michael, who owns several businesses in the city, spoke before family, friends, and supporters at Building Futures in Olneyville this morning, a non-profit organization dedicated to building career pathways for unemployed Providence residents. LPR Coverage of Solomon’s Bid for Providence Mayor «I […]readmore
During tonight’s State of the Union Address, President Obama expressed his desire to work with COngress to improve the nation’s economy. But he also stressed that if necessary he would take executive action. One big theme of the night was income inequality. Obama urged Congress to increase the minimum wage for all Americans, while issuing […]readmore
Authorities say a police officer fired two shots, hitting a 17-year-old runaway in the wrist at a Hawaii high school after the teen lunged at officers and proceeded to cut one with a knife and punch two others. Police had been alerted by Roosevelt High School officials who had recognized the boy as a runaway […]readmore
After failing to disclose the income he earned from legal work he performed for the Providence Economic Development Partnership (PEDP), House Speaker Gordon Fox on Tuesday agreed to pay a $1,500 fine. The R.I. Ethics Commission voted unanimously to approve a settlement with Fox. All state-appointed and elected officials are required to file annual financial […]readmore
Cranston Mayor Allan Fung, Republican candidate for Rhode Island governor, has released four pages of his 1995 application to practice law, where applicants are asked about their criminal history. Fung said he lost consciousness while driving and hit a man who was changing a tire on Interstate 95 in Cranston in 1989, when he was […]readmore
A vehicle hauling 11,000 gallons of gasoline crashed and exploded Monday morning on the route 24 off ramp in Fall River. This was the Massachusetts trucking company’s, J P Noonan, 15th crash in 24 months. The driver, Lisa Korch, 46, has had her commercial driver’s license since 1992 and has no violations on record. She […]readmore