WASHINGTON—The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is trying to determine the motive of the gunman who opened fire on two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee Thursday, killing four U.S. Marines. The FBI’s Ed Reinhold said in a late night news conference that there is «nothing now» that ties the shooter, identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, […]readmore
A senior Greek official confirmed on Thursday that banks would reopen on Monday and said the government was looking into allowing people to bunch 60 euro withdrawals over several days. «From Monday, the services offered will be widened,» Deputy Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas told ERT television. «All the banks everywhere will be open.» A senior […]readmore
Four U.S. military personnel were killed in shootings Thursday at two military facilities in the southern state of Tennessee. Officials said the gunman who opened fire at the two facilities was also killed in the incident. Several other people were injured, including a police officer. Authorities said the gunman opened fire at a military recruiting […]readmore
The U.S. Space Agency, NASA, released long-awaited photos from its New Horizons mission that show icy mountains on the surface of Pluto. Scientists also revealed images that show remarkable new details of Pluto’s moons Hydra and Charon. U.S. scientists released photos Wednesday after an unmanned NASA spacecraft whizzed by the distant dwarf planet following its […]readmore
An American teenager who survived a small plane crash, then managed to find her way off a rugged Washington mountainside, finally made it home just as word came that searchers had located wreckage in the area where she emerged from the woods. Aerial searchers reported spotting wreckage, but crews were not able to reach the heavily […]readmore
If the newly-reached accord between Iran and major world powers works as designed, it will keep Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon for the next decade and beyond. Some analysts say another way to judge the deal reached Tuesday in Vienna is whether it keeps Arab governments, many of whom view Iran as a main […]readmore
AUREL, MARYLAND—A U.S. spacecraft sailed past the tiny planet Pluto in the most distant reaches of the solar system on Tuesday, capping a journey of 3 billion miles (4.88 billion km) that began nine-and-a-half years ago. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft passed by the ice-and-rock planetoid and its entourage of five moons at 7:49 a.m. Eastern (1149 […]readmore
LONDON—Greece’s government on Tuesday submitted tough new bailout legislation to parliament, with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras pressing lawmakers to support reforms demanded by European creditors in exchange for badly needed cash. The bill specifies new taxes, pension reforms, tighter supervision of government finances and the sell-off of 50 billion euros’ worth of public sector assets. […]readmore
Senior U.S. senators wary of ongoing nuclear negotiations with Iran warned Sunday that President Barack Obama could face stiff congressional opposition to any final deal between Western powers and Tehran. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has been leading a U.S. delegation at the Vienna talks, and officials say «major issues» remained as late as […]readmore
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joined the crowded field seeking the Republican Party’s 2016 U.S. presidential nomination on Monday, saying he is in the race to «fight and win for the American people.» The 47-year-old Walker is the 15th candidate in the Republican contest. Political surveys show him among the top Republicans seeking the nomination, with […]readmore