Courtesy of NBC News – Suzanne Gamboa As part of our NBC Latino Political Profiles series we are featuring Hispanics who are in elected office or are running or actively involved in local, state or national races. WASHINGTON, DC — A few months after taking office, Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea learned that the […]readmore
HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY—Before singer Frank Sinatra became a global household name, he was a local boy from a small New Jersey town across the river from Manhattan. In that town — Hoboken — a street is named after him, and to celebrate Sinatra’s 100th birthday anniversary, Hoboken’s museum has him on proud display. Robert Foster, […]readmore
Megan Duzor The United States and Cuba say they have agreed to re-establish direct postal service, which was cut more than five decades ago at the height of the Cold War. The two countries announced Friday that they would launch a pilot program in the coming weeks to test the direct service. They did not […]readmore
Cindy Saine December 11, 2015 CAPITOL HILL—Compared to recent high-stakes government funding showdowns in the U.S. House of Representatives, Friday’s House action was calm and understated.After only a few minutes of debate, the House passed a short-term, 5-day spending bill by a quick voice vote. Since the Senate passed a similar measure Thursday, the bill […]readmore
Isabela Cocoli December 11, 2015 Authorities arrested two Syrian nationals Friday in Geneva when traces of explosives were found in their vehicle, Swiss media reported. Authorities in the Geneva region had been searching for four suspected jihadists with alleged ties to the Islamic State, but police did not say whether Friday’s arrests were connected to […]readmore
Rhode Island – Como parte de su serie Latino Political Pofiles la cadena NBC, que destaca a los Hispanos que son elegidos a puestos públicos, que están corriendo para uno o que están involucrados en las carreras locales, estatales o nacionales, presento a la Secretaria de Estado de Rhode Island, Nellie Gorbea con este titular “La […]readmore
Rhode Island – La Gobernadora Gina Raimondo visito la ciudad de Woonsocket el viernes por la mañana y acompañada por la Alcaldesa Lisa Baldelli-Hunt camino por algunos sectores de la ciudad luego de anunciar tres nuevos programas de desarrollo económico para municipios, organizaciones de desarrollo económico y compañías. El Secretario de Comercio de Rhode Island, Stefan […]readmore
Rhode Island – Rhode Island Foundation cumple 100 años en el 2016 y como parte de la celebración de todo un año, la organización inicio una campaña para recaudar $10 millones con el fin de restaurar el Parque Roger Williams en Providence. Jessica David, vice presidenta de estrategia e inversiones comunitarias de la fundación, dijo que […]readmore Rhode Island – La Gobernadora Gina Raimondo, el Rabi Yehoshua Laufer, y líderes de la comunidad Judía participaron la noche del jueves en la Ceremonia Anual del Encendido de la Menorah en la Casa Estatal, en la celebración de Hannukah. Raimondo dijo que en esta ocasión con lo ocurrido en Paris y en California es […]readmore
Main Street Rhode Island Streetscape Improvement Fund Tax Stabilization Agreement Incentive, and Anchor Institution Tax Credit Open for Applications PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Gina M. Raimondo, with Secretary of Commerce Stefan Pryor and Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt, today launched three new incentive programs at the Stadium Theatre in Woonsocket, RI. These programs are designed to enhance […]readmore