VOA News December 22, 2015 A grand jury in the southern U.S. state of Texas decided Monday not to charge anyone in connection with the death of a woman who was arrested during a traffic stop and later died in jail. Special prosecutor Darrell Jordan said that while no officers or jail staff were indicted, […]readmore
December, 2015- Mayor Allan W. Fung testified at a public hearing regarding a proposed municipal solid waste disposal fee pricing structure and procedure which would drastically increase the tip fee that municipalities are charged by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation. Under this proposal, the tip fee would increase from the current $32 / per […]readmore
By David Salvatore As 2015 draws to a close, Providence has received some welcome good news. In the recent Milken Institute rankings of Best Performing Cities in the United States, the Providence-Warwick metropolitan area jumped thirty spots to break the top 100, landing at 95 for 2015, after finishing at 126 in 2014. Providence was […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – December 21, 2015 – HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University (HWRI) today released its analysis of foreclosures in Rhode Island for Q3 2015. The report looks at the number of residential foreclosures in each of Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns and offers regional comparisons. Quick Glance Findings: * 184 residential foreclosure […]readmore
Como parte de su iniciativa para promover la necesidad de reformar el sistema de justicia penal de Estados Unidos. Voz de América Por tercera vez en un año, el presidente Barack Obama conmutó las penas de 95 presos por delitos no violentos, relacionados en su mayoría con la posesión y distribución de drogas. Con este […]readmore
Rhode Island – La policía de Johnston investigo un accidente donde un hombre y una mujer fueran atropellados la noche del lunes en la Avenida Hartford. La policía interrogo al conductor de la camioneta Jeep que se quedó en la escena. Sandra White de 45 años falleció la mañana del martes en el Hospital Rhode […]readmore
VOA News President Barack Obama laid the groundwork Friday for his last year in office, vowing not to fade into the background but instead to «leave it all out on the field» in 2016. During a wide-ranging year-end news conference, Obama touted big wins for his administration, citing diplomacy with Iran and Cuba, the passage […]readmore
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Barack Obama granted commutations of sentence to 95 individuals and pardons to two individuals. The President granted commutations of sentence to the following 95 individuals: Donald Allen – Lynn Haven, FL Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine base; possession with intent to distribute cocaine base; possession of […]readmore
Pawtucket – In collaboration with the North Providence Youth Commission and the Pawtucket Public School Department, a group from the student-led, student-run North Providence Youth Commission (NPYC) made presentations at Tolman High School, Shea High School and Jacqueline M. Walsh School for the Performing and Visual Arts, to discuss their own program and encourage Pawtucket […]readmore
Successful Applicants Will Develop Youth Programs and Learn Leadership Skills PROVIDENCE, RI – Providence Community Library (PCL) is recruiting nine high school student interns, age 14 – 18, to create compelling youth programs*,* mentor younger children and serve on PCL’s Teen Advisory Council. One successful applicant will serve at each of PCL’s nine locations from […]readmore