Massachusetts – En Westport, las autoridades identificaron al niño de 4 años que murió en el incendio de una residencia en la calle Mount Pleasant la noche del sábado como Caleb Nardolillo. El pequeño fue encontrado muerto en su dormitorio del segundo piso. Su madre, Melody Nardolillo de 32 y su hermana Bella Perry de […]readmore
Massachusetts – En Worcester, una tercera persona ha sido acusada en relación al robo de 16 armas del Lincoln S. Stoddard US Army Reserve Center, el mes pasado. Tyrone James de Boston enfrenta cargos de ser un criminal convicto en posesión de armas de fuego y mentirle a los investigadores. Las autoridades alegan que james […]readmore
Pamela Dockins Last updated on: December 23, 2015 STATE DEPARTMENT—Amnesty International added to the criticism of Russia’s air campaign in Syria with a new report Wednesday saying the bombings have killed at least 200 civilians in Homs, Idlib and Aleppo provinces.The rights group said the Russian airstrikes have hit homes and hospitals, and that its […]readmore
Massachusetts – En Lakeville, la policía está buscando a una madre que huyo con sus dos hijos. Valerie McGrath recogió a sus dos hijos, Steven de 5 y Eden de 7 años de la casa de su padre, quien tiene la custodia, legal para un visita programada. Ella debía regresar a los niños a las […]readmore
Massachusetts – En Framingham, la Congresista Katherine Clark y el jefe de policía Kenneth Ferguson están debatiendo el fenómeno del “swatting” o la denuncia falsa de un incidente que provoca la respuesta de un equipo SWAT. Las autoridades dicen que han tenido varios de esos caos de llamadas falsas a los departamentos de policía de […]readmore
Rhode Island – El conocido empresario Leon F. Tejada comparecio el viernes en la corte federal y se declaro culpable a los cargos de fraude tributario y fraude de correo, como previamente lo habia acordado con la fiscalia. Documentos de la corte muestran que Tejada cobro ilegalmente los reembolsos de algunos de sus clientes a […]readmore
VOA News December 22, 2015 A U.S. pharmaceutical company announced Monday it had terminated CEO Martin Shkreli in what is the latest fallout from his arrest last week on security fraud charges. KaloBios said Shkreli was fired on Thursday, the same day he was arrested and stepped down as CEO of another drugmaker, Turing Pharmaceuticals. […]readmore
Associated Press December 22, 2015 3:02 PM SEMINOLE, FLA.—The federal government has acknowledged that it wrongly declared more than 100 veterans dead and suspended their benefit payments, and says it is changing its policy of confirming deaths.Mike Rieker, a 69-year-old Vietnam War Navy veteran who was among those wrongly declared dead, said his situation turned […]readmore
VOA News December 22, 2015 A grand jury in the southern U.S. state of Texas decided Monday not to charge anyone in connection with the death of a woman who was arrested during a traffic stop and later died in jail. Special prosecutor Darrell Jordan said that while no officers or jail staff were indicted, […]readmore
December, 2015- Mayor Allan W. Fung testified at a public hearing regarding a proposed municipal solid waste disposal fee pricing structure and procedure which would drastically increase the tip fee that municipalities are charged by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation. Under this proposal, the tip fee would increase from the current $32 / per […]readmore