VOA News Last updated on: December 29, 2015 Prosecutors in Belgium said Tuesday police arrested two people suspected of planning holiday terror attacks in Brussels. They said investigators found evidence pointing to “the threat of serious attacks that would target several emblematic places” on New Year’s Eve. The prosecutor’s office did not specify any potential […]readmore
VOA News Last updated on: December 28, 2015 Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will cut short a family vacation to Cuba after police in the city fatally shot a 19-year-old male student and a 55-year-old mother of five Saturday. Both victims were African American. The shootings have increased tensions in the city after the mayor was forced […]readmore
VOA News December 29, 2015 U.S and Mexican officials say authorities in Mexico have detained an American teenager wanted for violating his probation in connection with a drunk-driving crash that killed four people in 2013. 18-year-old Ethan Couch and his mother were taken into custody in Puerto Vallarta on Mexico’s west coast. The U.S. Department […]readmore
Rhode Island – Un aviador de la Fuerza Aérea que llego a Rhode Island en una licencia por las fiestas murió en un accidente automovilístico la madrugada de la Noche buena. El Aviador de Primera Clase Joshua Zalabowski de 22 años de North Kingstown perdió el control de su vehículo en Dry Bridge Road y […]readmore
Rhode Island – El concejo de la Ciudad de Providence contrato a una asesora en comunicaciones, según anunció el lunes el Presidente Luis Aponte. Michaela Antunes será la secretaria de prensa del concejo, supervisando su sección en el portal de la ciudad y trabajara para extender y mejorar el uso de los medios sociales. Antunes […]readmore
Rhode Island – Un hombre fue arrestado el sábado acusado de provocar el incendio en un recinto del Southside Cultural Center durante una celebración por las fiestas. Michael Weed de 55 años de Providence fue instruido con un cargo incendio intencional y se encuentra detenido sin fianza. El incendio fue rápidamente controlado y quedo contenido […]readmore
Rhode Island – La policía de Pawtucket anuncio el arresto de Norman Bedford de 52 años con cargos de agresión con intento de cometer un homicidio y uno mayor de agresión. Según las autoridades Bedford apuñaló a dos mujeres durante un altercado la Noche Buena en una residencia de la calle Japonica. Las presuntas víctimas […]readmore
VOA News December 28, 2015 A new poll sponsored by news channel CNN shows more Americans dissatisfied with U.S. anti-terror efforts than any time since September 11, 2001, with 40 percent saying terrorists are winning the war on the United States. Those findings, published Monday, come just weeks after deadly terrorist attacks in Paris and […]readmore
VOA News December 28, 2015 3:24 PM A grand jury in the northern U.S. city of Cleveland, Ohio has voted not to indict two police officers in the November 2014 shooting death of a 12-year-old African American boy carrying what turned out to be a fake gun. Cleveland prosecutor Tim McGinty announced the decision Monday […]readmore
Jim Randle December 28, 2015 A number of economists predict that unemployment will drop to around its lowest practical level in the United States by the end of 2016. But others say employers remain cautious about taking on new workers, and wages are growing at a frustratingly slow pace. The U.S. unemployment rate was 5 […]readmore