Rhode Island – Algunos invitados especiales viajaran a Washington D.C para presenciar el Discurso del Estado de La Unión el próximo 12 de Enero. El séptimo y último del Presidente Barack Obama. El Representante David Cicilline, invito a Carol y Peter McKenna, padres del 1er Sargento de las Fuerzas Especial del Ejercito de los Estados […]readmore
Ken Schwartz January 06, 2016 The Pentagon has announced that two inmates from the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba have been transferred to Ghana. The decision to move the two suspected terrorists from the prison was based on several factors — including security matters — after a comprehensive review of their cases. Ghana’s foreign […]readmore
Associated Press January 06, 2016 LOS ANGELES—California Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency Wednesday over a massive natural gas leak that has been spewing fumes into a Los Angeles neighborhood for months. In a statement, Brown said he acted based on the requests of local residents in the community of Porter Ranch and […]readmore
Rhode Island – La ciudad de Providence abandono los planes para construir un sistema de tranvías para el centro a un costo de $100 millones, y se inclinaron más bien por mejorar la línea de autobús a lo largo de la misma ruta, según informo la Directora de Planeamiento de Providence, Bonnie Nickerson. Nickerson dijo […]readmore
Molly McKitterick January 06, 2016 Occupied by armed protesters, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is described as remote and barren. However, it is not a “nameless piece of ground,” said Brent Fenty, executive director of the Oregon Natural Desert Association. “It is critically important to wildlife and enjoyed by millions» of human and avian visitors, he […]readmore
VOA News January 06, 2016 A U.S. federal court in New York Wednesday charged an American citizen with conspiring to set off a truck bomb outside a U.S. military base in Afghanistan in 2009. Muhanad Mahmoud al-Farekh could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. «Farekh, a citizen of the United States, […]readmore
VOA News January 06, 2016 A college in the midwestern U.S. state of Illinois is taking steps to fire a professor who linked Islam to Christianity in an online posting. The administration at Wheaton College, a Christian evangelical university, has recommended associate professor Larycia Hawkins lose her tenured-track position. In a December 10 posting on […]readmore
A tearful President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he was taking executive action, bypassing Congress, to implement new «common-sense» measures aimed at reducing gun violence in America. “In Dr. [Martin Luther] King’s words, we need to feel the fierce urgency of now, because people are dying,” a visibly emotional Obama told an audience of mass […]readmore
Rhode Island – En Cranston, Cooper Bacon de 76 años de Cape May Court House, New Jersey, capitán de un yate involucrado en un accidente fatal, compareció en el Tribunal de Trafico de Rhode Island con cargos de violar las reglas de Navegación de la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos. Las autoridades dicen que […]readmore
Rhode Island – La policía de Central Falls dijo que han presentado cargos en contra de una joven de 14 años acusada de apuñalar a otra jovencita. El incidente ocurrió el pasado 21 de diciembre en la calle Broad. Las autoridades dicen que la víctima sostuvo seis heridas de cuchillo, pero no de gravedad. Los […]readmore