Associated Press YOKOSUKA, JAPAN—U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Joseph Aucoin talked to reporters Friday about two of the biggest challenges the U.S. military faces in Asia: North Korea and the South China Sea.It was his first such meeting with the media since assuming command of the Navy’s 7th Fleet last September. He spoke aboard the USS […]readmore
Molly McKitterick Fighting the battle against terrorism on the Internet, the White House and its top law enforcement officials met Friday with the nation’s biggest technology companies in San Jose, California. The list of government participants reveals just how seriously the Obama administration is taking the threat posed by Islamic State and others on social […]readmore
U.S. officials are trying to figure out how an inert Hellfire missile used in a training mission in Europe ended up in Cuba, according to a report, in what appears to be one of the most bizarre ever disappearances of sensitive U.S. military technology. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that U.S. officials have for […]readmore
VOA News Last updated on: January 08, 2016 A gunman claiming to have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State terror group ambushed a police officer Thursday as he sat in his marked car in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, firing multiple times at the officer. According to authorities, the officer, who was struck three times in the left […]readmore
Applications are due January 18. Priority will be given to college students studying/ residing in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts. Students will receive a weekly stipend, and all housing and transportation costs will be covered. I’d be happy to answer any questions. We appreciate your help sharing this opportunity with students. Four of the local positions […]readmore
SLAMABAD—A suspected US drone strike Friday killed at least 17 Islamic State militants in eastern Afghanistan shortly after the extremist group beheaded seven people in the same area, said officials and residents. The violence occurred in the remote Achin district of Nangarhar province, which borders Pakistan. The volatile district is where IS is believed to […]readmore
Lisa Bryant Last updated on: January 08, 2016 PARIS—Belgian police revealed Friday they found the fingerprint of a fugitive suspect linked to the November 13 Paris terror attacks along with suicide belts and explosives during the search of a Brussels apartment. Federal prosecutors in Belgium said police discovered the items during December 2015 raid. Salah […]readmore
VOA News Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto says authorities have captured fugitive drug lord Joaquin «El Chapo» Guzman, who brazenly escaped from prison through a secret underground tunnel seven months ago. The president announced Guzman’s capture in a brief announcement in Spanish Friday on Twitter: «Mission accomplished. We have him.» A Mexican official told The […]readmore
Providence –Rony Metellus de 52 años fue sentenciado a 42 meses en prisión, seguidos de tres años de libertad supervisada. Documentos de la corte muestran que Metellus incendio la vivienda como parte de un plan para cobrarle al seguro. En Agosto pasado, el se declaró culpable a cargos de fraude. Según anuncio el Fiscal de […]readmore
Providence – Un hombre de Providence al que se le vio visiblemente afectado cargando su mascota cuando su vivienda era destruida por las llamas, el fue que provoco el incendio, según las autoridades. Thomas Fiske enfrenta cargo de incendio intencional en primero grado. La casa se incendió la madrugada del 23 de Diciembre. Dos bomberos […]readmore