Associated Press CINCINNATI, OHIO—Having already earned a measure of «Fame» with the Cincinnati Zoo’s first animal birth of 2016, a newborn penguin chick has been named «Bowie.»The zoo says the baby known as a blue or fairy penguin hatched at 6 a.m. Friday, weighing less than 2 ounces. Friday was both David Bowie’s and Elvis […]readmore
U.S. actor Sean Penn met with legendary Mexican drug trafficker Joaquin «El Chapo» Guzman in Mexico, months before his capture, for an interview posted onRolling Stone magazine’s website late Saturday, a day after Guzman was captured by Mexican authorities. Guzman «proudly» volunteers to Penn «I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else […]readmore
VOA News Last updated on: January 10, 2016 7:37 AM Pakistan is set to host four-way talks Monday on reviving the Afghan peace process. The talks will include Afghanistan, China and the United States. Afghan Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmad Shekib Mostaghni said Saturday the representatives meeting in Islamabad will discuss a “roadmap for peace talks.” […]readmore
VOA News A long-range U.S. military bomber flew over South Korea Sunday, in an apparent response to North Korea over its latest nuclear weapons test. The B-52 bomber, which is capable of carrying nuclear weapons, was seen flying over Osan Air Base, located 72 kilometers south of the border that separates the two Koreas, before […]readmore
SOUTHWEST ASIA – Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes using fighter, attack, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq using rocket artillery, fighter, bomber, […]readmore
Un B-52, con capacidad para llevar armas nucleares, fue visto volando sobre la base Osar, localizada a 72 kilómetros al sur de la frontera que separa las dos Coreas Voz de América – Redacción Un avión bombardero de largo alcance de Estados Unidos voló sobre Corea del Sur el domingo, en aparente respuesta a la […]readmore
¿Qué es peor que un gran desastre en el mantenimiento de su hogar? ¿Qué le parece varios desastres a la vez? Para el cuarto de millón de familias que ven sus vidas afectadas y sus casas arruinadas cada invierno como consecuencia de las cañerías congeladas, las noches heladas pueden convertirse rápidamente en experiencias continuas muy […]readmore
The Cranston Police Department is attempting to locate JEFFREY WILSON (59 years of age). Wilson is currently wanted for one count of Simple Assault. Anyone with information as to this individual’s whereabouts is asked to contact the Cranston Police or your local police department. You should NOT attempt to apprehend this individual yourself. You may […]readmore
Voz de América – Redacción El Chapo estaba interesado en que se hiciera una película sobre la historia de su vida y accedió a contarla a la actriz mexicana Kate del Castillo. Una entrevista secreta entre el actor estadounidense, Sean Penn, y el narcotraficante Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, facilitó la captura del mexicano. La entrevista, […]readmore
Voz de América – Redacción Nadie acertó a los seis números de la lotería Powerball que se corrió el sábado por la noche y por lo tanto, el nuevo premio podría ascender ahora a $1.300 millones de dólares para el sorteo del próximo miércoles. Los números ganadores del sábado fueron 16-19-32-34-57 y el Powerball fue […]readmore