Providence, RI – Providence Police received information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation that scammers are using caller ID “spoofing” using the Providence Police Department phone number (401-272-3121). Scammers alter caller ID to make it look like the Providence Police Department is calling. «Spoofed» calls are calls that come in showing an altered number on […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Lt. Governor Daniel J. McKee and Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers Administrator Thomas F. Ahern on Wednesday announced the launch of Empower RI, a website to help Rhode Islanders shop for the best electricity prices for their homes and businesses. (Español) Más en LPR 1290 AM Providence El nuevo […]readmore
Rhode Island – La gobernadora Gina Raimondo Firmo el Miércoles por la tarde la ley del Buen samaritano, la nueva ley protege de cargos criminales a cualquier persona que busque o intente proporcionar ayuda médica para alguien que tenga una sobredosis de una droga ilegal. También da inmunidad por posesión de una droga ilegal a […]readmore
Policía continúa buscando más sospechosos de Balacera en Providence Providence – Los detectives trabajaron todo el día y la noche tratando de identificar los otros ocupantes del vehículo involucrado en la balacera. Juan Velásquez fue detenido y enfrenta cargos de posesión de armas de fuego, disparar un arma de fuego en un área compacta y […]readmore
Nueva York – Las autoridades municipales de Nueva York confirmaron hoy un segundo caso de persona afectada por el virus del Zika en la ciudad, ambos casos contagios en viajes al extranjero, informó la cadena local NY1. No se trata de mujeres embarazadas, el principal grupo de riesgo, según las autoridades sanitarias. El virus del […]readmore
Jim Randle The U.S. central bank is not likely to raise interest rates at this time and may delay expected rate hikes for a while. That is the finding of a survey of economists by the financial news network CNBC. The rate-setting committee of the U.S. Federal Reserve gathered in Washington for their regularly scheduled […]readmore
Rhode Island and Bristol County, MA – January 25, 2016 – Dunkin’ Donuts and its franchisees across Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts are pleased to announce the 21st annual Dunkin’ Donuts Scholarship Program supporting area high school seniors preparing for college. Dunkin’ Donuts will award $1,000 each to 100 college-bound high school seniors from Rhode […]readmore
Pamela Dockins BEIJING—U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, now in Beijing, will urge China to do more to press North Korea to stop its controversial nuclear tests during his talks beginning shortly in the Chinese capital.Kerry has meetings planned with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi early Wednesday, and the two top diplomats will hold a […]readmore
Pawtucket, RI: The Pawtucket School Department is pleased to announce that it has received $20,000 for the Verizon Innovative Learning Grant to develop STEM programming options at the district’s alternative high school, the Pawtucket Learning Academy (PLA). The check presentation ceremony will take place at the Pawtucket School Department’s Administration Building, located at 286 Main […]readmore
VOA News U.S. authorities are investigating a possible active shooting incident at the Naval Medical Center in the western city of San Diego, California, but say their initial search has not turned up any victims or a shooter. The authorities reported that one witness heard three shots fired in the basement of Building 26 of […]readmore