Westerly – más de 100 personas se reunieron en la estación del tren en Westerly para celebrar la construcción del centro de educación y formación al trabador. Raimondo, nuestra prioridad es ampliar las oportunidades para los obreros de Rhode Island, entrenándolos con las habilidades laborales para el futuro. La transformación del mercado laboral busca reclutar […]readmore
At approximately 12:25 PM, the Rhode Island State Police Hope Valley Barracks received a 911 call from a male resident of 269 Skunk Hill Road in Exeter. The caller advised that he had found both his mother and step sister deceased in their residence, located at 269 A Skunk Hill Road. Troopers were met on […]readmore
Warwick – Raimondo visito el fabricante de señalización LED y conocer más de la compañía. La gobernadora Raimondo está impulsando una estrategia de crecimiento que invierte de manera prioritaria en la salud, educación, innovación e infraestructura. El presidente de SESA Phil Perut, recibió a la gobernadora Raimondo junto al alcalde de Warwick Scott Avedisian y […]readmore
Luis Ramirez, Ken Bredemeier, Chris Hannas LONDON/WASHINGTON—The United Nations on Wednesday called off the fractious Syrian peace talks in Geneva until the end of February.U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura, who was alternating between discussions with representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and opposition groups trying to overthrow him, called the delay until February 25 a «temporary […]readmore
Jim Randle Many U.S. voters are worried about the economy and job preservation, but a researcher who examined the performance of stocks and bonds in Democratic and Republican presidential administrations asserts that neither side has a monopoly on economic wisdom. Republican Donald Trump is a leading contender in the race to become his party’s nominee […]readmore
WASHINGTON—Fans of American football are busily gearing up for one of the most anticipated events on this year’s sports calendar: the 50th annual Super Bowl, this year pitting Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers against Peyton Manning’s Denver Broncos. As the capstone event of the National Football League season, this Sunday’s Super Bowl has already […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier U.S. and Michigan state environmental officials blamed each other Wednesday for not moving quickly enough to avert the toxic water crisis in the city of Flint that has left at least 200 children with elevated levels of lead in their bloodstream. Kenneth Creagh, the director of the Michigan environmental agency, told a congressional […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Grace Diaz (D-Dist. 11, Providence) met with Rhode Island’s World Diabetes Day team today to make check presentations to three charitable organizations. It was the culmination of a fund-raising campaign by the World Diabetes Day organization. Rep. Grace Diaz (D-Dist. 11, Providence), front, third from right, along with other members of […]readmore
Warwick – El alcalde de la ciudad de Warwick el Republicano Scott Avedisian le dio la bienvenida a la gobernadora Gina Raimondo. Avedisian, usualmente cuando hablamos de presupuesto hablamos de recortes, pero la gobernadora en su presupuesto propuso aumentar la cantidad de dinero que reciben los centros de ancianos. Queremos estar seguro de que ustedes […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Lt. Governor Daniel J. McKee tonight issued the following statement on Gov. Gina M. Raimondo’s budget address to the General Assembly: «Governor Raimondo’s second proposed budget continues to focus on the fundamentals of a strong Rhode Island: job creation, economic development and workforce development. The budget also reflects her strong commitment to […]readmore