The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), Rhode Island State Police and Rhode Island Department of Health today announced that fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes are down in the Ocean State, beating nationally trending data in which fatalities are increasing. Over the past five years, the number of lives lost on Rhode Island roadways […]readmore
Pawtucket – The City of Pawtucket has been designated a HEARTSafe Community by the Rhode Island Department of Health’s Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program and the American Heart Association, Providence Affiliate. The HEARTSafe initiative is based on the principle that lives can be saved by being prepared with prevention, early access to care, early […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo today announced Robert S. Hull as her choice to lead the Department of Revenue. The Governor will submit his name to the Rhode Island State Senate today for their advice and consent. «We are working to ensure that everyone can make it in Rhode Island, in part by […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo will announce Rhode Island’s 2015 graduation rates during a student assembly at North Providence High School as part of her continued focus on helping students build the skills they need to succeed. Raimondo, along with Education Commissioner Ken Wagner and others, will release statewide data on graduation rates […]readmore
Providence – Rhode Island economy created more than 8,000 jobs last year, the most created in a single year since 2000, and our unemployment rate dropped more than any other state in the nation. «Our economy has momentum but we must do more to create a pipeline of educated and skilled workers,» Raimondo said. «To […]readmore
VOA News Last updated on: February 21, 2016 3:39 PM The suspect in a deadly shooting spree in the northern U.S. state of Michigan is due in court Monday to be arraigned on multiple counts of murder. Authorities arrested 45-year-old Jason Dalton early Sunday in connection with the shootings late Saturday around the city of […]readmore
VOA News The battle between the U.S. Justice Department and Apple returns to a federal courtroom Monday as the government tries to get the iPhone maker to comply with an order to help it access the phone of a mass shooter. A magistrate judge said last week Apple must provide software to allow the Federal […]readmore
Seis personas murieron en un tiroteo en el condado de Kalamazoo, en el estado de Michigan (norte de EEUU). El sheriff adjunto de Kalamazoo, Paul Matyas, dijo al canal local 17 News que el atacante disparó en un restaurante de la cadena Cracker Barrel y en una concesionaria de automóviles. Un hombre sospechoso de matar […]readmore
Un portavoz del papa Francisco insitió el viernes que el sumo pontífice de ninguna forma lanzó un ataque contra el candidato a la nominación presidencial estadounidense Donald Trump, ni estaba tratando de convencer a los votantes al declarar que alguien que defiende constrtuir muros no es cristiano. El reverendo Federico Lombardi, en una entrevista con […]readmore
El presidente Barack Obama dijo que su próximo viaje a Cuba, será una visita que avanzará aún más el progreso logrado desde que se anunció el nuevo capítulo de relaciones entre EE.UU. y Cuba hace más de un año. Esta será la primera visita de un presidente estadounidense a Cuba en casi 90 años. En […]readmore