Pawtucket – Pawtucket City officials have been notified by Rhode Island Commerce Corporation that the City has been awarded a $245,000 Streetscape Improvement Grant from Rhode Island Commerce Corporation, to be matched 30% with $105,000 in Pawtucket Redevelopment Agency funding, to undertake renovations to the City’s downtown parking garage in the amount totaling $350,000. The […]readmore
20th Anniversary Celebration of Dialogue on Diversity PROVIDENCE, R.I. –Twenty years after presenting the first keynote at the inauguration of the Dialogue on Diversity Lecture series at Rhode Island College, nationally acclaimed scholar, activist and author Sonia Nieto will return to campus to give the keynote at the series’ 20th anniversary celebration. Free and open […]readmore
Rhode Island – Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent, of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces that on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, members of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force arrested Joshua Berg, age: 24 and Amanda Ribeiro, age: 22 both of 69 Beardsworth Road, Tiverton, Rhode Island […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I.-On Thursday, April 7th, the Providence City Council will honor the Providence Police Department’s Narcotics Bureau for a record-breaking year in which the unit executed an unprecedented number of search warrants and seized firearms from some of the city’s most dangerous offenders. This year, the Narcotics Bureau executed 180 search warrants and seized 68 […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo applauded the White House’s action today addressing the nation’s spreading opioid addiction and overdose crisis. President Barack Obama announced new rules that will expand access to medication-assisted treatment and behavioral supports. Additionally, the White House announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is finalizing rules […]readmore
STATE HOUSE — Representative Doreen Costa (R-District 31 North Kingstown, Exeter) is announcing her dissatisfaction and disappointment with the state of Rhode Island hiring a graphic designer to create a new logo for the Ocean State to the tune of $1 million, and hiring a firm to create an entire marketing campaign for a total […]readmore
Convenes Leaders to Highlight Mentorship Program PROVIDENCE, R.I. – As part of her continued efforts to make government more responsive to the people it serves, Governor Gina M. Raimondo convened business and state agency leaders today to mark the first anniversary of her initiative to foster innovation and promote a culture of continuous improvement across […]readmore
Valencia, España. 28 de marzo de 2016 — María Martínez Iturriaga ha sido nombrada directora ejecutiva del campus de Berklee en Valencia, España. Nacida en Madrid, Iturriaga entró a formar parte de Berklee en 2008 y estuvo al frente del establecimiento del primer campus internacional de la universidad en Valencia, donde ha jugado un papel […]readmore
Rebranded and expanded, PVDFest will bring four days of art, music, and to the streets of Providence, June 2-5, 2016 Providence, RI – City of Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza, the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism and Founding Creative Partner FirstWorks announced PVDFest, Rhode Island’s signature art festival will return June 2-5 to transform […]readmore
Pawtucket – The Pawtucket Department of Public Works will resume its aggressive road repaving initiative starting on Monday, March 28th at 7:00AM. The first repaving efforts of the spring will take place on School Street beginning at Rosewood Street and continuing up to Nassau Street. Construction on each road segment is typically completed over a […]readmore