Rhode Island – Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent, of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, announces that members of the Rhode Island State Police arrested two (2) individuals for Simple Assault and Disorderly Conduct resulting from their conduct in a crowd on Greenwich Avenue following the Donald Trump […]readmore
Presupuesto Reduce el Impuesto de Vehículos, Pone 1200 Computadoras en Las Aulas y Aborda la Salud Financiera a Largo Plazo de la Ciudad PROVIDENCE, RI – El alcalde Jorge O. Elorza propuso hoy un presupuesto para la ciudad de Providence, que hace las inversiones necesarias en el crecimiento económico, las escuelas y vecindarios, tomando también […]readmore
Las primarias de este martes siguen a un intento de Ted Cruz y John Kasich por impedir que Donald Trump logre los 1.237 delegados necesarios para la nominación. El magnate Donald Trump arrasó en las primarias republicanas en cinco estados, mientras la ex secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton, en el campo demócrata, ganó cuatro y […]readmore
Providence – The Rhode Island primaries showing a lot of excitement and interest with high participation of citizens. Poll places open with lines this morning. Raimondo said , «We are working hard so Secretary Hillary Clinton win in Rhode Island»readmore
Providence – Las elecciones primarias de Rhode Island se están desarrollando con una alta participación de los ciudadanos. Gina dijo, estamos trabajando fuerte para que la secretaria Hillary Clinton gane en Rhode Island.readmore
BALTIMORE – In a new report released today, A Shared Sentence: The Devastating Toll of Parental Incarceration on Kids, Families and Communities, the Annie E. Casey Foundation recommended policy reforms that would help millions of children who struggle with emotional and financial instability as a result of having an incarcerated parent. Research shows that the […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – The Rhode Island Foundation announced that eight local organizations will receive nearly $300,000 in grants for everything from diabetes awareness to expanding health care for refugee children. «Developing an inclusive primary care system that promotes healthy lives is one of our core strategic initiatives. These grants will advance our continuing efforts to […]readmore
Providence – Sophia Miranda fue juramenta como gobernadora la mañana del viernes en la casa estatal por la magistrada de la corte suprema Maureen McKenna Goldberg. En su mensaje como Gobernadora la joven dijo a la prensa que su experiencia fue fabulosa, “he conocido muchas personas de diferentes culturas y nacionalidades, uno nunca tiene la […]readmore
Providence, RI- This morning at approximately 11:26 hours Providence Police were dispatched to the Textron Building located 40 Westminster Street for a report of protesters who had locked themselves to the front door. Upon arrival police observed two protesters locked to the front doors with bicycle locks and a third protester sitting inside the opening […]readmore
April 2016 (Epsom, NH) – Planning to grill tonight, or sometime soon? Now that it has finally started to warm up, many New Englanders are already enjoying their barbecues and other outdoor amenities. And while gas grills, portable fire pits, and patio heaters make outdoor spaces comfortable places to gather… it’s important that they are […]readmore