LINCOLN, R.I., July 7, 2016 – While summer is a great time for outdoor activities, it can also bring extreme heat and humidity. In fact, nearly a third of weather-related deaths in the U.S. are attributed to excessive natural heat, heat stroke, sun stroke or all three, according to the Centers for Disease Control and […]readmore
PAWTUCKET – Tuesday night Pawtucket Police Captain and Director of the Neighborhood Response Unit (NRU), Michael Newman, stood alongside City officials, community leaders and neighborhood residents at the Blackstone Valley Community Action Program (BVCAP) building on West Avenue last night to celebrate the opening of an NRU office at that location and the adoption of […]readmore
Providence – Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety, announces that he will be joined by Governor Gina M. Raimondo, Mr. Kobi Dennis from Unified Solutions, and various other community and elected leaders as they kick-off the Rhode Island Midnight Basketball League season. […]readmore
The U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division will lead the investigation into a controversial fatal police shooting of an African American man outside a convenience store Tuesday in the southern city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Governor John Bel Edwards said the Justice Department will be assisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and […]readmore
WHITE HOUSE— U.S. President Barack Obama’s plan to maintain 8,400 U.S. troops in Afghanistan through the end of his presidency leaves many unanswered questions about the best path forward as the security situation continues to worsen, experts said. The administration had initially planned to reduce the number of U.S. troops from the current 9,800 to […]readmore
Los republicanos demandan una explicación por escrito de la decisión que, según ellos, “deja claro que la secretaria Clinton violó la ley”. El director del FBI, James Comey, testificará el jueves ante la Comisión de Supervisión de la Cámara de Representantes sobre la decisión de no procesar a Hillary Clinton tras investigar el uso de […]readmore
El interés sobre el bono a 10 años cayó a 1,34%, apenas por debajo del récord anterior de 2012. Ante el miedo y la incertidumbre por el estado de la economía global, los inversionistas buscan la relativa seguridad de los bonos del Tesoro estadounidense, cuyos rendimientos caen a niveles inéditos. El interés sobre el bono […]readmore
La decisión no es sorpresiva pues ya era esperada y solicitada por el alto mando militar estadounidense. El presidente Barack Obama anunció que mantendrá 8.400 soldados en Afganistán hasta el fin de su gobierno, la cual había pensado reducir a 5.500. «El talibán sigue siendo una amenaza. Han gando terreno en algunos casos, han continuado […]readmore
By Carmen Russo Narragansett, RI – Governor Gina Raimondo signed an executive order Tuesday afternoon at Roger Wheeler State Beach. While barefoot in the sand, Raimondo announced that Sunday July 24 will be 2016 Bay Day, when all state beaches will offer free admission and parking and fishing without a license will be permitted. After […]readmore
Invitados * Alison Caplan, profesora de español del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras de Providence College * Nuria Alonso García, lingüista y directora del programa de máster en Educación Urbana de Providence College * Ylaiza Pérez, graduada en español y servicio público y comunitario de Providence Collegereadmore