RI – This document outlines the scope of the investigation by the Rhode Island State Police and Rhode Island Attorney General of the failure of 38 Studios, LLC (“38 Studios”), as well as the results of this investigation. At the outset, it is important to stress that the sole focus of this investigation was to […]readmore
RI – 38 Estudios fue una compañía de video juegos propiedad del ex lanzador de los medias rojas de Boston Curt Schilling. La empresa se traslado a Rhode Island desde Massachusetts en el 2010 a cambio de una garantía de préstamo del estado por 75 millones de dólares. 38 Estudios se declaró en bancarrota dejando […]readmore
New card complies with strengthened federal security standards CRANSTON, R.I. – The R.I. Division of Motor Vehicles this month will begin issuing driver’s licenses and identification cards featuring a new background – the iconic Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge — as the state adopts safety measures to better protect Rhode Islanders against fraud and identity […]readmore
Providence, RI (July 29, 2016)– Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, one of the largest and most respected veterans law firms in the country, is pleased to announce that, Barbara J. Cook has been named partner. Cook, who has been Of-Counsel at CCK since May of 2014, is nationally known for her experience representing veterans and […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS – On 07/28/2016, at approximately 11:08pm, police officers were dispatched to the area of 20 Fletcher Street for a report of an armed robbery with a gun. Upon arrival, officers located three adult male victims ranging in age from 35-60. The individuals confirmed that they were just robbed near the adjacent Ledge […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS – On July 28, 2016 officers responded to 44 Darling Street, first floor, for a report of a breaking and entering that had previously occurred. Upon arrival, the victim’s family stated that they had witnessed a dark skinned male exiting the first floor apartment that they believed at the time to be […]readmore
Ken Schwartz Humanitarian aid corridors in and out of the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo must be made safe, and no one should be forced to leave the city, the U.N. aid chief said Thursday. Stephen O’Brien was reacting to a Russian proposal for four corridors to evacuate civilians and fighters who want to give […]readmore
VOA News Hai Yan An 18-year-old North Korean man who went to Hong Kong to compete in the International Mathematical Olympiad took refuge in the South Korean consulate there Wednesday, according to local news media. As a precautionary measure, the South Korean Consulate General, located in the Far East Finance Centre, asked Hong Kong authorities […]readmore
Fatima Tlisova With a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, scheduled for August, anxiety is high among one particular group of asylum-seekers in Turkey. Thousands of Russian-speaking Muslims fear a potential improvement in Turkish-Russian ties will affect them directly. They call themselves “Muhajir” — an Arabic term for […]readmore
VOA News Pope Francis silently walked Friday beneath the notorious sign at the Polish death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. With his head bowed and dressed in white, the pontiff walked under the sign that bears the words «Arbeit Macht Frei» or «Work Sets You Free.» More than a million people, most of them Jews, were killed at […]readmore