Flooding Worst Disaster Since Superstorm Sandy Estimated costs could exceed $10 million; Red Cross asks for public support PROVIDENCE, RI (August 16, 2016)- The American Red Cross is helping thousands of people in Louisiana affected by the devastating flooding there, likely the worst natural disaster since Superstorm Sandy in 2012. More than 500 disaster volunteers […]readmore
New course offered under Gov. Raimondo’s Computer Science for Rhode Island initiative will provide educators will skills in computer programming and web design PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Rhode Island College is partnering with General Assembly (GA), a global educational company, to launch an intensive computer science course for teachers this fall as part of Computer Science […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – The American Red Cross has a need for new volunteers to join flood relief efforts now in Louisiana after unprecedented flooding has left 15 rivers in record flood stage. The Red Cross is currently accepting new volunteers interested in the areas of feeding, sheltering and supply distribution. In addition, we are in […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza announced that Robin Muksian will serve as Providence’s Director of Administration where she will oversee the City of Providence’s administrative aspects and operations while serving as senior advisor to the Mayor. «Robin has a long and accomplished history of public service throughout her career,» said Mayor Elorza. «She has […]readmore
Bristol and Portsmouth Will Receive Briefings on Bridge Maintenance Projects; Will Begin Late-September JAMESTOWN, R.I. – The Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority (RITBA) will be in attendance at both the Bristol and Portsmouth Town Council meetings in late August to present a briefing on the upcoming maintenance projects for the Mount Hope Bridge. These […]readmore
Interview NCU Dexter Credit Union PSA – la sucursal de Dexter Credit Unión localizado en el 934 de la calle Dexter se cerrará de forma permanente Central Falls – Navigant Credit Union se complace en anunciar la consolidación de sus operaciones de sucursales en Central Falls. El 7 de Septiembre, la antigua sucursal de Dexter […]readmore
Latino Public Radio (LPR) is grateful for the donations we receive that help us continue our valuable work. LPR keeps the information you give us when making a donation in strict confidence. We will never sell, rent or trade our list of contributors to any other organization. Make a tax-deductible donation to Latino Public Radioreadmore
RI – Esta Tarde: Una probabilidad de lluvias y tormentas eléctricas, principalmente después de 2pm. Algunas de estas tormentas podrían producir viento borrascoso, lluvia intensa, y relámpagos frecuentes. Mayormente soleado, la máxima alrededor de 95. Índice de Calor de hasta 105. Viento del oeste de 5 a 10 mph. La probabilidad de precipitación 30%. Nuevas […]readmore
Secretary Gorbea sends postcards urging eligible Rhode Islanders to register to vote PROVIDENCE, RI – Eligible Rhode Islanders who have not registered to vote yet will receive a postcard this week from Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea urging them to register so they can vote in elections this fall. The postcards provide information to […]readmore