WESTERLY, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo today joined state and local officials to celebrate the opening of Westerly High School’s P-TECH program. The Pathways in Technology Early College High School program (P-TECH) is designed to open new doors for high school to college and careers in advanced industries. Providence Career and Technical Academy also […]readmore
By Juliemar Ortiz, New Haven Register NEW HAVEN – Embattled Police Chief Dean Esserman Tuesday resigned from his position as top cop, effective Sept. 2, Mayor Toni N. Harp announced in a release. Esserman has been being away from the department for nearly six weeks, after he was placed on administrative leave following an incident […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI — General Treasurer Seth Magaziner today announced his selection of Evan England to serve as his administration’s Director of Communications. «Evan England is an accomplished communications professional whose talent and dedication have distinguished his previous work on my campaign and for the City of Providence,» Treasurer Magaziner said. «It is my pleasure to […]readmore
PAWTUCKET, RI — U.S. Senator Jack Reed today joined with the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) and Pawtucket Mayor Donald R. Grebien in announcing more than $5.6 million in newly awarded federal grants for bus facility upgrades and service improvements for Pawtucket. Reed, the Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation Housing and […]readmore
Chris Hannas VOA News WASHINGTON — Election Day in the United States is still two months away. But though U.S. political campaigns at times seem endless, voters in some states can begin casting votes this month — even before the first general-election debate. More than two-thirds of the country’s 50 states allow a voter to cast […]readmore
VOA News La presentadora de televisión agradeció a todas las mujeres que se solidarizaron con ella y prometió trabajar para ayudar a víctimas de acoso sexual. La experiodista y presentadora de Fox News, Gretchen Carlson, llegó a un acuerdo por $20 millones de dólares y una disculpa pública para cerrar el caso por acaso sexual […]readmore
“Today, the pro-life movement lost a hero, Phyllis Schlafly. Mrs. Schlafly not only helped the Republican Party become pro-life in the 1980s, but spent the remainder of her life ensuring it remained so. I was honored to be trained to work on the platform under Phyllis’s wing and was able to witness, first-hand, how she […]readmore
VOA News El miércoles 7 de septiembre es la fecha —y no es coincidencia— para el lanzamiento del iPhone 7 que promete cambios más o menos modestos y pocas expectativas de sorpresas significativas. Por el momento se especula que el nuevo aparato tendrá una nueva pantalla True Tone, dos flashes LED en la parte de […]readmore
Providence, RI– September 6, 2016 – Brown University Head Basketball Coach Mike Martin will put rivalries aside and team up with other Division I basketball coaches and Rhode Island cancer patients and survivors in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Sept. 13 to urge Congress to make cancer a national priority. Joining hundreds of cancer-fighting advocates from […]readmore
El presidente ucraniano se quejó de lo difícil que se ha vuelto mantener el apoyo de Occidente en su lucha contra Rusia El presidente ucraniano, Petro Poroshenko, se quejó de lo difícil que se ha vuelto mantener el apoyo de Occidente en su lucha contra Rusia y advirtió que no descarta que ese país les […]readmore