WOONSOCKET, RI: The dedication ceremony for the new Little League field at World War II Veterans Memorial Park in honor of Woonsocket native and National Baseball Hall of Famer, Napoleon «Nap» Lajoie, is scheduled for 11:00 am on October 8. Saturday’s dedication ceremony on the diamond of the new field will take place immediately following […]readmore
CHICAGO—Graduate employees at the University of Chicago have overwhelmingly reaffirmed their choice to organize with the American Federation of Teachers, the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the American Association of University Professors. Members of Graduate Students United at the University of Chicago voted 302-179 for continued AFT-IFT-AAUP affiliation in a ballot that concluded Tuesday night. […]readmore
Colonel Michael J. Winquist, Chief of Police, announces that investigators from the Department’s Traffic Unit are investigating a hit and run accident, resulting in serious bodily injury to a pedestrian. At approximately 5:50 p.m., 9-1-1 calls were received at the Cranston Police Department Dispatch Center reporting that a pedestrian had been struck by a vehicle […]readmore
VOA News Jamie Dettmer Losing territory in northern Syria and north-west Iraq, and with assaults looming on the Islamic State’s city strongholds of Raqqa and Mosul, the terror group may be left next year with control just of the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor. But defeating the jihadists there may prove even more difficult […]readmore
VOA News Reuters LES CAYES, HAITI — Health officials in Haiti on Thursday said they were preparing for a likely surge in cholera cases in the wake of Hurricane Matthew, which severely damaged water supplies and sanitation systems in the Caribbean nation. The fiercest Caribbean storm in nearly a decade has killed at least 140 people, […]readmore
BOGOTA — Four days after Colombians narrowly voted to reject a peace deal with FARC rebels to end 52 years of war, community leader Leyner Palacios is still struggling to contain his bitterness over the outcome. Palacios, who is from the jungle town of Bojaya in western Colombia, which has borne the brunt of guerrilla violence, […]readmore
WASHINGTON — A U.S. citizen and two Russian nationals were arrested Thursday on charges relating to the alleged illegal export of sensitive military technology from the United States to Russia, the Justice Department said. The department said Alexey Barysheff of Brooklyn, New York, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested for illegally exporting controlled technology. Russian nationals […]readmore
WASHINGTON — With less than five weeks to go until the presidential election, U.S. officials are taking extra measures to reassure voters of the integrity of the election process, insisting it is safe from hackers despite a recent series of high-profile breaches, attempted attacks and warnings.“What people need to know about this is that our voting […]readmore
Mayor Jorge Elorza join by Councilman Bryan Principe, Parks Superintendent Wendy Nilsson, representatives from DownCity Design, and neighborhood representatives from the West Broadway Neighborhood association (WBNA) for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the revitalized and updated Ellery Street Park.readmore
Students at Cornell University in New York can take a class that teaches them about climbing trees. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a course on what it calls the mathematics of street-fighting, and Santa Clara University in California has a program called “The Joy of Garbage.” Classes like these might be one reason […]readmore