PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo has appointed Major Oscar Perez to the Rhode Island Parole Board. «The Rhode Island Parole Board is vital to our criminal justice system,» Raimondo said. «I am pleased to appoint Major Oscar Perez to the Parole Board and am confident he will be an excellent addition. Major Perez […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS – The City of Central Falls, in association with Holiday Express and several sponsors, will be hosting a thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 24, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the dinner will take place at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 20 Claremont Street. Mayor James Diossa said, «I am […]readmore
elorza-muslim-american-board Mayor Signed an Executive Order Creating Advisory Board, Announced Call for Members PROVIDENCE, RI -Mayor Jorge Elorza joined members of the Muslim-American community to sign an executive order creating the Muslim-American Advisory Board as part of an ongoing One Providence initiative aimed at protecting and serving every resident of the city regardless of race, […]readmore
Colonel Michael Winquist, Chief of the Cranston Police Department, announces the arrest of two suspects caught while breaking into a home on Mill Street after the homeowner returned home to find one the suspects in her house holding her television. The Cranston Police received a 9-1-1 call on 11/21/16 at approximately 11:56 AM from the […]readmore
NORTH PROVIDENCE, RI (November 22, 2016) – The American Red Cross is helping 3 families after a fire on Douglas Avenue in North Providence. A total of 3 families consisting of 4 adults total were affected. The Red Cross provided assistance to meet the families’ immediate needs. Responders to the Sherbrooke Ave. fire included: Amy […]readmore
EAST PROVIDENCE, RI (November 22, 2016) – The American Red Cross is helping 3 families after a fire on Warren Avenue in East Providence. One family of 4 adults and 2 children, one family of 4 adults and 0 children and one family of 3 adults and 1 child. The Red Cross provided assistance to […]readmore
Mayor Sign Executive Order Creating Advisory Board, Announce Call for Members PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza announce an executive order that takes action to reinforce Providence’s founding principles of religious freedom by supporting and protecting every member of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion, or […]readmore
1. Support good jobs. Small local businesses are Rhode Island’s largest employer. Local small business is the greatest source of job creation. 2. Keep your money in the Rhode Island economy longer. Local businesses often keep your money local, investing in local supplies, wages, services, taxes, and community donations. This strengthens Rhode Island’s economic and […]readmore
La historia de Owen West Que es un Paro cardiaco súbito El paro cardíaco súbito (PCS) también se denomina «muerte cardíaca súbita». Se produce un paro cardíaco súbito cuando el corazón deja de latir repentinamente, impidiendo que la sangre rica en oxígeno llegue al cerebro y otros órganos. Una persona puede morir de un PCS […]readmore
Providence – Monday at his father’s law firm, Owen West tells his story about how he died two years ago from cardiac arrest at his high school. He stated the only reason he survived was because an AED (automated external defibrillators) was in the area and someone gave him CPR until the AED got there. […]readmore