Los conocimientos actuales sobre cómo se propaga el virus que causa la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) se basan en su mayoría en lo que se sabe sobre coronavirus similares. Propagación de persona a persona Se cree que el virus se propaga principalmente de persona a persona. Entre las personas que tienen contacto cercano entre […]readmore
Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) están vigilando de cerca un brote de enfermedad respiratoria causada por un nuevo coronavirus que se identificó por primera vez en Wuhan, en la provincia de Hubei, en China. Esta es una situación emergente que está cambiando rápidamente y los CDC continuarán brindando información […]readmore
El período de inscripción permanecerá abierto hasta el 15 de abril. La gobernadora continuó recordando al público que practicara el distanciamiento social, lo que significa evitar grandes reuniones. «Las próximas dos semanas son absolutamente críticas ya que tratamos de adelantarnos a este virus». Nuevos pedidos que involucran aseguradoras de salud públicas y privadas. Raimondo y […]readmore
«The RIIL made every effort to keep the tournaments going and to give the student-athletes an opportunity to finish out their winter seasons. However, the league in conjunction with the Principals’ Committee on Athletics has determined that is not possible given the extenuating circumstances created by the COVID-19 health crisis,» The RIIL will keep its […]readmore
WHITE HOUSE – U.S. President Donald Trump said he is declaring a national emergency, invoking the Stafford Act to allow more federal aid to stream to states and cities to combat the coronavirus pandemic. «We will overcome the threat of the virus,” the president said Friday afternoon at a nationally-televised news conference from the White House […]readmore
Measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and international travelers As Rhode Island continues to respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Governor Gina M. Raimondo announced a set of broad measures today intended to limit or prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Rhode Island. These measures pertain to schools, nursing homes, and anyone who has traveled […]readmore
St. Petersburg, FL, March 12, 2020 — Minor League Baseball (MiLB) issued the following statement today: “In light of the current coronavirus outbreak, and after consultation with medical professionals and our partners at Major League Baseball, Minor League Baseball will delay the start of the 2020 Championship Season. We will continue to monitor the developments […]readmore
MLS Major League Soccer has suspended all games, effective immediately, for 30 days, the league announced Thursday as it continues to assess the impact of COVID-19 (the coronavirus). Read the full statement: Major League Soccer has suspended match play for 30 days, effective immediately, as the league continues to assess the impact of COVID-19 with […]readmore
NCAA NCAA President Mark Emmert and the Board of Governors canceled the Division I men’s and women’s 2020 basketball tournaments, as well as all remaining winter and spring NCAA championships. This decision is based on the evolving COVID-19 public health threat, our ability to ensure the events do not contribute to spread of the pandemic, […]readmore
MLB Major League Baseball has cancelled the remainder of its Spring Training games, also announcing that the start of the 2020 regular season will be delayed by at least two weeks due to the national emergency created by the coronavirus pandemic. The decision was announced following a call with all 30 Clubs and after consultation […]readmore