WARWICK, RI – Governor Raimondo announced that the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) has taken several steps to bolster its ability to plow and treat the roads this coming winter. The department is expanding its fleet of plow trucks and drivers while deploying new technology to get real-time information on weather and road conditions. […]readmore
U.S. Department of Homeland Security decision means state IDs will continue to be accepted at airports, federal facilities CRANSTON, R.I. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has granted an extension to the State of Rhode Island to comply with the federal REAL ID Act. The federal government passed the REAL ID Act in 2005 […]readmore
Starting 1/2/2018-PVD Safe Stations provides 24/7 support to opioid dependent individuals, directs people to treatment and recovery services PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza today announced that the City is launching PVD Safe Stations on January 2, 2018, which provides opioid-dependent and other substance use disorder individuals the ability to connect with treatment and recovery […]readmore
La Gobernadora Gina Raimondo repitió, un año más, una tradición que se mantiene por décadas con el encendido del emblemático árbol de navidad instalado en la rotonda de la casa estatal, en un acto que suele marcar el comienzo de las fiestas navideñas. Es una clara señal de que la navidad llego cuando los niños […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – The Providence Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) held their first Train the Trainer class for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s new “You Are the Help Until Help Arrives” (UHA) program on Saturday, November 18. The class of 28 included members of the Providence Police Department, Providence Fire Department, PEMA volunteers, and community leaders. […]readmore
WASHINGTON – As horrifying acts against the Burmese Rohingya minority and the related refugee crisis continue, U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (RI-01), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and a bi-cameral congressional delegation just completed a fact-finding mission to Burma and Bangladesh. Cicilline was joined on the delegation by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza today joined PVDonuts owners Lori & Paul Kettelle, the City’s Director of Art, Culture + Tourism Stephanie Fortunato and community members to relaunch #ThinkPVD and announce free holiday parking ahead of Small Business Saturday being observed Saturday, November 25. #ThinkPVD is a campaign encouraging residents and visitors to «think, […]readmore
Providence, RI: Mayor Jorge Elorza, Public Safety Commissioner Steven M. Paré, Colonel Hugh T. Clements, Jr. and members of the Providence Police Department gathered at City Hall tuesday for the promtional ceremony of twenty-four members of the department. Members of the PPD that have been promoted are as follows: Promoted to the rank of Captain: […]readmore
PROVIDENCE – State Rep. Aaron Regunberg, a Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, today won the support of five important labor groups – Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1199 New England, Teamsters Local 251, the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 618, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2323, and Rhode Island Working Families Party. […]readmore
Led by President Trump, Republicans in Washington are working right now to pass a tax cut for the wealthiest people in America, paid for by the middle class. While millionaires and billionaires get tax cuts on average of $50,000 a year, 64 million middle class families across America will see their tax bill stay the […]readmore