VOA News U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman on Wednesday visited the retired U.S. Marine who has been detained on espionage charges in Russia. He also spoke on the phone with the family of Paul Whelan, 48, according to a State Department statement that did not release any details of the call «due to privacy […]readmore
VOA News/Ken Bredemeier & Chris Hannas WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump pushed again Wednesday for taxpayer funding of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, even as he claimed without evidence that Mexico is already paying for it through a new trade deal and that much of the barrier has been built. Trump is meeting with […]readmore
VOA News WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump has invited Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress to what the White House is calling a «border security briefing» Wednesday, while a partial government shutdown hits its 12th day. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to attend the session. It is not clear if Senate Minority Leader […]readmore
VOA NEWS/Ken Bredemeier, Michael Bowman U.S. President Donald Trump acknowledged Monday that not all of the barrier he wants to build along the Mexican border would be a concrete wall he has long called for. «An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media,» Trump contended in a Twitter remark. […]readmore
Voz de América WASHINGTON D.C. — La senadora Elizabeth Warren tomó el lunes un primer paso en el inicio de una campaña altamente anticipada para la presidencia, a la espera de que su reputación como una luchadora populista la ayude a navegar unas primarias demócratas que podría tener dos docenas de candidatos. «Sin importar nuestras diferencias, […]readmore
El presidente Donald Trump Trump insistió el lunes en que «nunca» abandonó la idea de construir un muro fronterizo de hormigón, avivando la incertidumbre generada en medio del cierre parcial del gobierno que ya alcanza su noveno día y que fue provocado por su desacuerdo con los demócratas sobre los fondos que necesita para cumplir […]readmore
VOA News/Agencias El servicio ruso de seguridad nacional (FSB) dijo el lunes que había detenido a un ciudadano estadounidense sospechoso de espionaje en Moscú. El FSB, que dijo que el estadounidense fue detenido el 28 de diciembre, indicó en un comunicado que se abrió un caso criminal en su contra. No aportó detalles sobre la […]readmore
Voz de América El presidente Donald Trump está comprometido con la derrota del Estado Islámico y ordenó ralentizar la salida de las tropas de Siria, dijo el senador republicano Lindsey Graham tras reunirse el domingo con el presidente estadounidense. Graham, quien es miembro del Comité de Servicios Armados del Senado, había pedido hace poco más […]readmore
VOA News A group of journalists will usher in the New Year Monday in New York City’s Times Square as the time-honored tradition of the annual ball drop recognizes journalism and free speech. Leading American reporters and editors will be on stage just before midnight to push the button that begins the countdown to the […]readmore
VOA News/AP LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA — The origins of a suspected computer attack that disrupted the Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing newspapers remained unclear Sunday after causing delivery delays and being brought to the attention of federal investigators. San Diego Union-Tribune Publisher Jeff Light described the incident as “what now seems to have been a malicious attack on […]readmore