VOA News By Associated Press NEW YORK – This year’s Super Bowl won’t be a politics-free zone, as both President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg will air campaign ads during the game. But most other advertisers will offer escape from impeachment and the upcoming presidential election by stuffing multiple celebrities in their ads, […]readmore
VOA News By David Byrd American football teams the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs will face off in Miami Sunday in the National Football League’s championship game – the Super Bowl. The Chiefs (12-4 in the regular season) are making their first trip to the Super Bowl since 1970 — 26 years before […]readmore
By VOA News Punxsutawney Phil, the American groundhog famous for predicting the end of winter in the United States, did not see his shadow Sunday morning, indicating that spring will come early this year. «Hear ye, hear ye!» a member of Phil’s «inner circle» yelled to cheering crowds after presenting the furry rodent. «There is no […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – In her annual address at the Minister’s Alliance Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Breakfast, Governor Gina M. Raimondo today announced new criminal justice reforms. Through a series of proposals in her FY21 budget and administrative actions, the Governor plans to implement recommendations from her Criminal & Juvenile Justice Working Group. «Every citizen […]readmore
A legal claim for damages has been sent today to the City of Pawtucket over a School Resource Officer’s (SRO) gratuitous and unlawful handcuffing and arrest of a 13-year-old African-American middle school honors student. The damages claim was submitted by ACLU of Rhode Island cooperating attorney Shannah Kurland as a required legal prerequisite to the […]readmore
VOA News El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ofreció este viernes 4.000 empleos a los migrantes centroamericanos que viajan en caravana desde Honduras y buscan entrar a México en su camino hacia Estados Unidos. «Vienen en caravana de Honduras, El Salvador, alrededor de 3.000 (…). Unos que quieren entrar por Tapachula (sur), otros por […]readmore
VOA News El líder de la oposición venezolana, Juan Guaidó, se encuentra en Bogotá, Colombia, en lo que medios internacionales indican que podría ser el inicio de una gira internacional. El presidente colombiano, Ivan Duque, dijo en Twitter que se reuniría con Guaidó el domingo por la tarde y que Guaidó asistiría el lunes a […]readmore
VOA News Migrantes hondureños de una caravana que partió hacia Estados Unidos a mediados de enero desde San Pedro Sula llegó el sábado a la frontera con México en distintos grupos, solo para encontrar que las autoridades mexicanas habían cerrado un paso fronterizo en el sur del país que les impedía continuar su camino. Elementos de la […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press BERLIN – Germany is bringing together the key players in Libya’s long-running civil war in a bid to curb foreign military meddling, solidify a cease-fire and help relaunch a political process to determine the North African nation’s future. Chancellor Angela Merkel invited leaders from 12 countries as well as the United […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press LONDON – Goodbye, your royal highnesses. Hello, life as — almost — ordinary civilians. Prince Harry and wife Meghan will no longer use the titles “royal highness” or receive public funds for their work under a deal that lets the couple step aside as working royals, Buckingham Palace announced Saturday. Releasing […]readmore