Measures intended to protect all Rhode Islanders, with a focus on more vulnerable populations As a part of on-going efforts to limit or prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Rhode Island, Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), issued updated […]readmore
Please be advised that effective immediately all visits will be suspended until at least Wednesday, March 18th. We are reducing the flow of people coming into the facilities to ensure everyone’s safety as we continue to respond to the coronavirus. The suspension will be reevaluated on Wednesday the 18th. The current Corona Virus issues are […]readmore
VOA News El director general de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, dijo el miércoles que el coronavirus «es ahora una pandemia». «Debido a su propagación mundial, el COVID19 es ahora una pandemia, anunció hoy el Director General de la OMS. El Dr. Tedros pidió a los países intensificar las acciones […]readmore
Three-Year Plan Details Priorities and Seeks to Expand Volunteer Opportunities PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) and ServeRI, Rhode Island’s commission for national and community service, today released the Rhode Island State Service Plan 2020-2023. Over the course of the past eight months, more than 500 Rhode Islanders provided input to the plan, which aims to increase volunteer and national […]readmore
Providence, Rhode Island – Advocates, community members, and elected officials concerned about the well-being of Rhode Island’s immigrant residents came together at the State House library on March 10th to support legislation that would make obtaining a drivers’ licenses more accessible to undocumented Rhode Islanders. The ‘Driver’s Licenses for All’ campaign kickoff was hosted by […]readmore
El juez de la Corte Suprema de Nueva York James Burke condenó este miércoles a 23 años de prisión al exproductor de cine Harvey Weinstein. Hace tres semanas, un jurado había declarado culpable a Weinstein de acto sexual criminal en primer grado contra la asistente de producción Mimi Haley y de violación en tercer grado […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI, March 10, 2020- Family Service of Rhode Island, a statewide non-profit, is asking for help to provide items to help the low income children, families and seniors it serves “be safe” from the Coronavirus. “We work in schools and communities across Rhode Island, and in recent weeks so many families have asked how they can […]readmore
VOA News Foto: Personas usando máscaras de protección en Florencia, al tiempo que Italia lucha contra un brote de coronavirus. 7 marzo 2020. Siete semanas después de la confirmación del primer caso del nuevo coronavirus en Estados Unidos, la diseminación del virus ha causado extensos daños a sectores clave de la economía. Las aerolíneas están […]readmore
LPR News PROVIDENCE, R.I.– Today Governor Gina M. Raimondo, surrounded by legislators, union leaders and other advocates for working families, signed into law H7157A/S2417A, raising the minimum wage in Rhode Island to $11.50 an hour. The wage increase will take effect on October 1.«Nobody should work full-time and live in poverty,” said Governor Raimondo. “Over the […]readmore
LPR News Providence, RI -- As the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee prepares for a marathon hearing related to gun safety on Wednesday March 11, several Democratic City and Town Committees have passed resolutions in support of the High Capacity Magazine Ban (H7264/S2130) including Newport, Lincoln, Middletown, and Little Compton. At its March 2, 2020, […]readmore