Photo: Police officers check motorist on a road access point to Tandarei, eastern Romania after authorities impose a severe quarantine status on the city VOA News By Jamie Dettmer Outside wartime nothing like it as ever been seen before in modern Western history. The lockdowns by democratic states with their draconian constraints on civil liberties and […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI—Lt. Governor Dan McKee today shared news of a donation of 208,000 face masks from Rhode Island’s Chinese-American Community to the Rhode Island Department of Health and several municipalities to support local COVID-19 response efforts. Blackstone Valley businessmen Louis Yip and Sunny Ng of Tai-O Group facilitated the donation at the request of Lt. Governor […]readmore
El nuevo sitio de pruebas de manejo en Twin River ofrecerá resultados en el acto La capacidad de prueba del estado se duplicó gracias a la asociación con CVS Health PROVIDENCE, R.I.- La gobernadora Gina M. Raimondo anunció hoy que Rhode Island se ha asociado con CVS Health para poner a disposición de todos los […]readmore
VOA News BY Associated Press VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis is celebrating Palm Sunday Mass without the public, since the traditional ceremony in St. Peter’s Square was scrapped because of the coronavirus pandemic. Normally, tens of thousands of Romans, tourists and pilgrims, clutching olive tree branches or palm fronds would have flocked to an outdoor […]readmore
Rhode Island – The entire Rhode Island Congressional delegation heard directly from hundreds of health care workers on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis in a Zoom Tele Town Hall sponsored by District 1199 SEIU New England. Senator Jack Reed, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Congressman Jim Langevin, and Congressman David Cicilline all participated in the exchange with […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) provided an update today on the state’s response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. All Rhode Islanders who have symptoms of COVID-19 are urged to call a healthcare provider to coordinate a test. The symptoms of […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, says a national, coordinated stay-at-home agreement by all fifty states and U.S. territories is needed to effectively combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). While Constitutional authority to enforce public health interventions lies primarily with the states, Senator Reed is urging President […]readmore
41 U.S. Senators send letter urging Trump Admin to remove needless barriers that could prevent eligible senior citizens and others from getting direct payments from CARES Act Trump Administration should not try to bury seniors in paperwork in order to access the benefits they are entitled to and that IRS & Social Security Administration should […]readmore
VOA News U.S. federal agents seized a large cache of drugs from a long tunnel used by smugglers to move them across the U.S.-Mexico border. The 600-meter long tunnel, which ran under a series of warehouses from the northern Mexican border town of Tijuana to the southern California city of San Diego, was discovered on […]readmore
A virtual rally, via Zoom, to kick-off the 2020 Census with Providence City Council President Sabina Matos, Members of the Providence City Council, Mayor Jorge O. Elorza of Providence, Mayor James A. Diossa of Central Falls, Luis Estrada, the Campaign Manager of the Rhode Island Complete Count Committee and other Community Speakers. PROVIDENCE, RI (April […]readmore