PROVIDENCE, RI—Lt. Governor Daniel McKee today joined a volunteer group of local entrepreneurs to announce the expansion of the Gift it Forward small business initiative. Additions to the initiative include online gift card setup services, no-cost advertising, small business text alerts and a consumer-friendly redesign of the program’s website ( Launched in March by the Lt. […]readmore
VOA News Sería el primer caso judicial en EE.UU. contra intentos de defraudar al gobierno, tras los pagos millonarios como estímulo a pequeñas empresas que han mantenido en servicio a sus empleados en medio de la pandemia del coronavirus. Dos hombres de negocios fueron acusados este martes en el Distrito de Rhode Island por supuestamente […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo today provided more details on Phase 1 of the state’s plan to reopen the economy. Retail: Non-critical retail stores that have been closed will be allowed to reopen in-person operations, including for limited in-person browsing. Pre-ordering and in-store pick-up will still be encouraged as the safest option. Retailers will be able to have […]readmore
Contact tracers are a crucial part of health response to any contagious disease & effective contact tracing seen as key to safely reopen economy 14 leading U.S. Senators are seeking $8 billion to strengthen America’s contact tracing infrastructure and boost contact tracing workforce in all 50 states and U.S. territories WASHINGTON, DC – As scientists worldwide […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS- Mayor James A. Diossa was pleased to announce the opening of a new COVID-19 testing site in the city today at the Rhode Island College “Hub” at 934 Dexter Street. This facility provides residents with access to testing within the densely populated city. The testing facility at 934 Dexter Street will serve as […]readmore
Photo File: Rhode Island State Senator Sandra Cano of Pawtucket and Central Falls Mayor James A. Diossa CENTRAL FALLS/ PAWTUCKET, RI – Rhode Island State Senator Sandra Cano of Pawtucket and Central Falls Mayor James A. Diossa have announced the creation of a community relief fund to be administered by Progreso Latino and Fuerza Laboral […]readmore
Grassroots Effort Will Provide Isolation, Testing, and Resources Call 855-843-7620 Pawtucket/Central Falls – Pawtucket Mayor Donald R. Grebien, Central Falls Mayor James A. Diossa, and Dr. Michael Fine are excited to announce that the Pawtucket and Central Falls BEAT COVID-19 hotline is going live tomorrow. This one-of-a-kind grassroots system will give people in both communities, who […]readmore
CNN En Español Con el objetivo de poder desinfectar los trenes de forma diaria y como una forma de llevar una solución al problema de las personas desamparadas en los vagones de Nueva York, el gobernador Andrew Cuomo anunció que se suspenderá el sistema de metro de 1 a 5 am, hora de Miami. De […]readmore
Governor Raimondo and Dr. Alexander-Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, released new data, which reveals that nearly half of Rhode Island’s COVID-19 cases are within the Latino community. This is very alarming, given that Latinos only make up roughly 15% of the overall population. In response, Latino leaders across the state have come […]readmore
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will temporarily close the Manville Bridge, which carries Manville Hill Road over the Blackstone River, the Blackstone River Bikeway and the Providence & Worcester Railroad between Lincoln and Cumberland on Monday, May 4 for a bridge rehabilitation project. The $11 million project includes repairing the bridge’s piers and […]readmore