Por Voz de América El gobernador del estado de Minnesota movilizó a parte de la Guardia Nacional el jueves, una acción que fue secundada por el presidente Donald Trump. Ahora será este contingente en pleno, es decir, unos 1.700 reservistas, el que patrullará las calles de las ‘ciudades gemelas’: Minneapolis y Saint Paul. El gobernador de […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS Police and Fire Marshals –Are looking to identify this subject. On May 24th 2020 at approximately 4:15am this male subject set fire to a occupied housing complex. If anyone has any information on the identity of this subject contact the Arson tip line at 401-383-7723. All calls are confidential. The Fire Marshals offer […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI—Lt. Governor Dan McKee recognized 53 Rhode Island high school seniors with the Lt. Governor’s Leadership Award during a virtual ceremony on Thursday night. The recipients were nominated by their schools for leading positive change in the community and inspiring others to excel and achieve. Throughout the ceremony, students, teachers and families interacted with […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) provided an update on Rhode Island’s response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. Today the Governor announced that Rhode Island will officially move into Phase 2 on Monday, June 1st. This decision was guided by […]readmore
La gobernadora Gina Raimondo colocó una corona de flores en el Memorial de la Segunda Guerra Mundial durante una ceremonia en el Cementerio de Veteranos de Rhode Island. La gobernadora dijo, el día está reservado para los héroes que han dado sus vidas por el país y que la pandemia no detendrá eso. «Entonces, hemos […]readmore
Providence, RI: On April 19, 2020 at approximately 1955 hours, Providence Police were dispatched to 77 Knight Street for a report of a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, police identified Markese Davis, age 28 of Woonsocket, as the criminally responsible party, and attempted to take him into custody. As police were attempting to take Davis into custody, […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI—Lt. Governor Daniel McKee was joined today by Governor Gina Raimondo and other state and military officials to honor Rhode Island’s fallen soldiers during a virtual wreath-laying ceremony in the Garden of Heroes. The garden, located on the southwest lawn of the State House, pays tribute to Rhode Island service members who have made […]readmore
WOONSOCKET, R.I.: The City of Woonsocket recognizes the need for greater COVID-19 testing. To advance that goal, the City’s Public Safety Division has worked closely with the Governor’s office and the Rhode Island Department of Health to develop a plan that best serves our residents. The State has identified Thundermist Health Center as a local […]readmore
Programa especial y mensaje en un día de Madres muy raro en el mundo. Hoy debemos felicitarlas, honrarlas en medio de una pandemia que nos mantiene alejados a muchos, el especial musical de Latino Public Radio para hacerlas sentir queridas. Gracias de parte de Reynaldo Almonte y la familia de lprnoticias.readmore
Gives RIDOH Authority to Enforce Public Health Directives Governor Gina M. Raimondo today signed an executive order officially lifting Rhode Island’s stay-at-home order. The order gives the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) the ability to enforce public health guidelines and business regulations, including by levying fines against individuals or businesses. COVID-19 Data Update RIDOH announced 249 […]readmore