CENTRAL FALLS- Mayor James A. Diossa has signed on to the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and the Obama Foundation’s Commit to Action campaign which calls for elected officials and police oversight bodies to address police use of force policies. The call to action cites the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the […]readmore
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) are advising people to avoid contact with Almy Pond in Newport due to a blue-green algae (or cyanobacteria) bloom in the pond. Blue-green algae can produce toxins that can harm humans and animals. People should also be careful not […]readmore
Voz de America Por Rafael Salido WASHINGTON – El doctor Anthony Fauci, director del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas y principal experto del equipo designado por la Casa Blanca para gestionar la pandemia de coronavirus, reconoció el martes que Estados Unidos ha sido impactado «malamente» por la COVID-19. «Si nos fijamos en cómo hemos […]readmore
Guillaume Bagal, diversity & inclusion lead, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island In 2013, one in three LGBTQ+ individuals making less than $45,000 per year (34 percent) were uninsured. In 2014, just a year after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) coverage reforms came into effect, the number of uninsured LGBTQ+ individuals in this […]readmore
VOA News By Henry Ridgwell LONDON – The probability of death from COVID-19 increases dramatically with increasing poverty because of underlying inequalities in society in many poorer countries, according to researchers from Imperial College London. The warning comes as the coronavirus pandemic expands rapidly in many countries classed as lower-income or lower-middle-income, such as India and […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI –Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magazine today made the following announcement about his office’s use of the state’s name: Today, I am announcing that the Office of the General Treasurer will remove the words «and Providence Plantations» from the state’s checks. We will also remove those words from our letterhead, citations, and other […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI, June 19, 2020–Family Service of Rhode Island (FSRI), a statewide nonprofit human service organization, has launched “Be Safe Plus,” a program delivering fresh foods, masks, cleaning and personal care supplies to Rhode Island seniors, people with disabilities and their caregivers who are at high-risk for COVID-19. FSRI recruited Chubby Chickpea and “Hope & […]readmore
El senador republicano de Carolina del Sur, Tim Scott, dice que republicanos y demócratas están de acuerdo en el 70% de lo que se necesita. VOA News Por Ken Bredemeier Estados Unidos puede frenar los asesinatos policiales en las calles del país con una mejor capacitación policial y una mayor responsabilidad, dijo el domingo el principal […]readmore
El presidente Trump buscó revitalizar su base partidaria alabando los logros de su mandato, volviendo a temas de su campaña que lo ayudaron a ganar en 2016, y defendiendo su gestión frente al coronavirus y las protestas de las últimas semanas. Por Voz de América El presidente Donald Trump realizó su primer mitin de campaña desde […]readmore
By VOA News Spain reopened its borders to European tourists on Sunday as the continent continues to ease lockdowns put in place to quell the spread of the novel coronavirus. Once the country with the third-highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, Spain has now fallen to 7th place with nearly 246,000 confirmed cases, according to […]readmore