PROVIDENCE, RI –Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magazine today made the following announcement about his office’s use of the state’s name: Today, I am announcing that the Office of the General Treasurer will remove the words «and Providence Plantations» from the state’s checks. We will also remove those words from our letterhead, citations, and other […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI, June 19, 2020–Family Service of Rhode Island (FSRI), a statewide nonprofit human service organization, has launched “Be Safe Plus,” a program delivering fresh foods, masks, cleaning and personal care supplies to Rhode Island seniors, people with disabilities and their caregivers who are at high-risk for COVID-19. FSRI recruited Chubby Chickpea and “Hope & […]readmore
El senador republicano de Carolina del Sur, Tim Scott, dice que republicanos y demócratas están de acuerdo en el 70% de lo que se necesita. VOA News Por Ken Bredemeier Estados Unidos puede frenar los asesinatos policiales en las calles del país con una mejor capacitación policial y una mayor responsabilidad, dijo el domingo el principal […]readmore
El presidente Trump buscó revitalizar su base partidaria alabando los logros de su mandato, volviendo a temas de su campaña que lo ayudaron a ganar en 2016, y defendiendo su gestión frente al coronavirus y las protestas de las últimas semanas. Por Voz de América El presidente Donald Trump realizó su primer mitin de campaña desde […]readmore
By VOA News Spain reopened its borders to European tourists on Sunday as the continent continues to ease lockdowns put in place to quell the spread of the novel coronavirus. Once the country with the third-highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19, Spain has now fallen to 7th place with nearly 246,000 confirmed cases, according to […]readmore
I applaud today’s decision by the Supreme Court on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which will now continue to protect hundreds of thousands of Dreamers across the country, including many here in Rhode Island. I am proud that this Office stood up for Dreamers as a party to this case and as […]readmore
The Clifton Clerkship Program, named for Judge William C. Clifton, Sr., was established in January and is designed to attract talented, underrepresented law students to careers in public service and is advancing as scheduled despite COVID-19 challenges PROVIDENCE, RI – Attorney General Peter F. Neronha, together with Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson and retired Superior Court Judge Edward C. Clifton, […]readmore
The Rhode Island State Police in conjunction with the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are seeking information pertaining to a fire at the Department of Administration located at 1 Capitol Hill, Providence. This incident occurred in the early morning hours of June 2, 2020. If you have […]readmore
The first update to the protocol in over 13 years expands the scope of review beyond deadly force and custodial deaths incidents and includes review of excessive force by the police PROVIDENCE, RI – Attorney General Peter F. Neronha today issued an updated and significantly expanded protocol for the review of use of force by state and […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Lt. Governor Dan McKee today urged the State to give municipalities the flexibility to establish the reopening date for schools in their district. The Lt. Governor discussed this issue with a panel of small business owners and municipal leaders during his weekly Small Business Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday. The discussion took […]readmore