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Providence, R.I. – The Providence Public School District has extended the hours of its Student Registration and Placement Center, 325 Ocean St., Providence, between now and Sept. 10 to accommodate the annual influx of new school registrations. The extended hours are as follows: * Mondays – Thursdays, Aug. 1 – Sept. 8: 7 AM – […]readmore
Central Falls – As part of statewide efforts to build healthier communities and help Rhode Islanders develop skills that matter for jobs that pay, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) today joined partners in government, higher education, and community organizations in celebrating new certification opportunities for Community Health Workers through the Rhode Island Certification […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Major customer service improvements made by the staff of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program have reduced waiting times by 63 percent during this summer’s recent peak claim period versus last summer’s peak period. These improvements highlight the benefits of the Lean Government Initiative. Governor M. Gina Raimondo today visited the Department of […]readmore
RI – Mediante inversiones inteligentes y fondos estatales y federales, Rhode Island ha seguido expandiendo el acceso a los programas y los salones de clases de aprendizaje de la primera infancia de alta calidad, especialmente para los niños de bajos ingresos. Desde 2011, Rhode Island realizó lo siguiente: • Aumentó más del triple la cantidad […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo, joined by Chief Innovation Officer Richard Culatta and local education leaders, today visited the Bootstrap Summer Camp at the Academy for Career Exploration (ACE) in Providence. According to the state Department of Labor and Training, by 2022, there will be more than 4,000 openings in computer and math […]readmore
Through wise investments of state and federal funds, Rhode Island has continued expanding access to high-quality early-learning programs and classrooms, in particular for economically disadvantaged children. Since 2011, Rhode Island has: more than tripled the number of children with high needs attending high-quality, state-funded preschool programs; and tripled the total number of […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo, joined by Chief Innovation Officer Richard Culatta and local education leaders, will visit the Bootstrap Summer Camp at the Academy for Career Exploration (ACE) in Providence. According to the state Department of Labor and Training, by 2022, there will be more than 4,000 openings in computer and […]readmore
By: Carmen Russo PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Voting equipment in Rhode Island will undergo a series of upgrades during the presidential elections this fall. At a press conference Thursday morning, Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea announced the use of technologies such as online voter registration, electronic poll books and modernized scanners to count ballots and deliver […]readmore
By Carmen Russo PROVIDENCE, RI – At a press conference in the State House Library today, Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea demonstrated the state’s new voting systems to Governor Raimondo, legislative leaders, elections officials and community representatives. “Voting equipment is Democracy’s infrastructure. When I ran for office, I pledged to Rhode Islanders that I […]readmore