CENTRAL FALLS – This Friday, February 19, Central Falls is hosting a President’s Day celebration in honor of our nation’s past Commanders in Chief. This fun event for all ages will be held at 5:30 pm in the council chambers of City Hall at 580 Broad St. “Our President’s Day celebration gives us the opportunity […]readmore
Photo courtesy of Congressman’s office- Lan Brigadier General Christopher Callahan, adjutant general of Rhode Island and Commanding General of the Rhode Island National Guard, joins Congressman Jim Langevin and Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee on a visit to the Providence VA Medical Center. VA personnel connected the visitors with veterans as part of the Valentines for […]readmore
Rhode Island – As we head into the height of tax season, Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin is reminding consumers to be aware of the signs of the pervasive «IRS scam,» which continues to target law abiding citizens in Rhode Island and across the nation. Attorney General Kilmartin noted that his office has recently noticed […]readmore
The Rhode Island Foundation awarded a record $41.5 million in grants last year. More than 1,600 nonprofit organizations across many sectors received funding. As the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofits in the state, the Foundation works in partnership with donors and nonprofits to meet the needs of the people of Rhode Island.The Foundation […]readmore
TOCKBRIDGE/HARDWICK – February 12, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded Green Communities designation grants totaling $1,087,505 to fund clean energy projects at two separate events in western Massachusetts. These municipalities became Green Communities in the ninth round of designations in December. «Cities and towns are essential participants as the Commonwealth progresses toward a clean, […]readmore
Providence, R.I. — The Rhode Island Department of Revenue released its FY 2015 Local 1.0 Percent Meal and Beverage Tax Collections Report for November 2015 today. The Local 1.0 Percent Meal and Beverage Tax Collections Report, which is issued on a monthly basis, compares the collections from the state’s local 1.0 percent meal and beverage […]readmore
Providence, R.I. — The Rhode Island Department of Revenue today released its FY 2015 Local 1.0 Percent Hotel Tax Collections Report for November 2015. The Local 1.0 Percent Hotel Tax Collections Report, which is issued on a monthly basis, compares the collections from the state’s local 1.0 percent hotel tax on a month-to-month, year-over-year, and […]readmore
WARWICK, R.I. – For the 16th consecutive year, Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) is hosting the Rhode Island Second Congressional District High School Art Competition. High school students who reside in the Second District are eligible to compete for a grand prize trip to Washington, DC, a college scholarship and the honor of having their work hang […]readmore
As top Democrat on THUD Appropriations Committee, Senator Reed led effort to secure funds to help 25 local housing authorities with upkeep and preservation of public housing WASHINGTON DC – In an effort to ensure families, seniors, and vulnerable citizens have access to safe, quality housing, U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced that twenty-five Rhode […]readmore
Washington, DC – Bipartisan legislation to help consumers assess how well health information technology (IT) systems perform has cleared the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Today, the Committee passed a health care information technology bill that includes key reforms from Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Bill Cassidy’s (R-LA) Transparent Ratings on Usability […]readmore