LPR’s Community Excellence Awards Gala is right around the corner. On Saturday, May 14th, 2016 Latino Public Radio will host their annual gala event. For this year’s event we have chosen to focus on education, specifically those individuals who play a part in influencing the next generation of students, professionals, and leaders. We would like to take this […]readmore
Por Marino Báez PROVIDENCE – El Alcalde de la ciudad de Providence, Jorge Elorza, el Comisionado de la Policia Steven Paré y el Jefe de la Policía, Hugh T. Clements, anunciaron a través de la Asociación de Vencindarios West Broadway, la expansión del Programa de Vigilancia en los Barrios de Providence, a fin de contribuir […]readmore
*Donations Will Benefit Food Bank and Neighborhood Merchants Will Offer Special Deals and Prizes to Patrons* Providence Community Library (PCL) will hold its 2016 amnesty event from April 11 to April 16, and for one week, patrons will be able to return overdue items and give non-perishable food items in exchange for fines. PCL patrons […]readmore
Representatives Robert B. Lancia, Michael W. Chippendale, Sherry Roberts, and Robert A. Nardolillo, III. Announce JROTC Day at the RI State House JROTC Cadets to be Honored During House Legislative Session STATE HOUSE — Representative Robert B. Lancia (R-District 16 Cranston), Michael W. Chippendale (R-District 40 Foster, Glocester, Coventry), Sherry Roberts (R-District Coventry, West Greenwich), […]readmore
Rebranded and expanded, PVDFest will bring four days of art, music, and to the streets of Providence, June 2-5, 2016 Providence, RI – City of Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza, the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism and Founding Creative Partner FirstWorks announced PVDFest, Rhode Island’s signature art festival will return June 2-5 to transform […]readmore
WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), who led the effort in the U.S. House to establish the Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park, is advocating for $932,000 to fully fund the Park’s operations in FY2017. Cicilline was joined in a letter to House appropriators by Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI), Congressman James McGovern (D-MA), […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - In accordance with a Presidential Proclamation [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001aIP24eU0uGYpKQM2MkgCSmIyBktmHS8m28FAR1HlExhdJQ54ZgTFA789kr23WeCOoZJbWnV_Lmw_JWcPK6E1w2e_MOYtYv_07XEV5RYu0XzHUOXnQqG-MeHmg_nIgGIe8r60Xjkq9YPQQkrS239X1aqVdlkRZKYNzLOK6_QYiRiyp3VTdFlqiLeRiuVo9jC6rhqvo-DtNPlAZjHKSgqwFPZSxTkDfvfn0r2oholf-AYRNwlOiWwxhA-BiugXw9cv4q0rxjDNSWhLRiGO8WcbBFTx5CnSnnIEsUD_nGIMbdoSiLSasGg3mA==&c=BziYG0BIHwBGBgiSfZlq8n8BpFiUgUsrgj0ZCyzHCfcezRRGNR_9ig==&ch=eL-01iC6sd0QzQ-FbnF96YJGRjF-fkfcHUAz9o3OKnVmMHr_lQy71g==], Governor Gina M. Raimondo has ordered U.S. and Rhode Island flags to be flown at half-staff at all state facilities and buildings in honor of readmore
Local High-School Students Master the Science of Celebration – “FIRST STRONGHOLD” at the *FIRST *® Robotics Competition Rhode Island District Event *Teams Compete in Rhode Island District Event for Coveted Awards and Chance to Compete at Championship* *Who: *Student teams from local school districts and surrounding states will participate in the *FIRST® *Robotics Competition Rhode […]readmore
The New England Family Fun Festival: Bounce A Pallooza is coming to the Alex & Ani Center on April school vacation with its mission to deliver an amazing blend of: Fitness, Education and Family Fun that gives back to the community! PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND ------ Rated a Top 25 New England event, The New England […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – The Irish flag accompanied by drums, bagpipes and traditional Irish dance welcomed guests at Providence City Hall today as Mayor Jorge O. Elorza hosted the annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration. “The Irish-American community has been a driving force in Providence’s history and continued growth,” said Mayor Elorza. “I am pleased to join […]readmore