LPR News live Special Coverage – 15th anniversary of September 11 attacksreadmore
Providence – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Congressmen Jim Langevin and David Cicilline, and Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea today called for an end to unchecked corporate spending in elections at a roundtable discussion about federal campaign finance reform. The event, which was held at Save the Bay’s headquarters in Providence, was hosted in […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Legislation sponsored by Rep. Katherine Kazarian and Sen. Gayle L. Goldin to require school districts to teach students about genocide and the Holocaust has been signed into law by Governor Raimondo at a ceremonial bill signing held at the Jewish Alliance Conference Room in Providence. Rep. Katherine S. Kazarian Sen. Gayle L. […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Anastasia P. Williams (D-Dist. 9, Providence) is publicly questioning the recent decision to rebuild the 6/10 connector in Providence despite vast community support to convert the road way into a boulevard that would reconnect the community after decades of being spilt in half by the highway. “The recent decision to simply […]readmore
The Rhode Island State Police are in the initial stages of planning the 2016 Citizens Trooper Academy which will begin October 4th, 2016 and conclude November 15th, 2016 (six consecutive Tuesday evenings.) The times are 6:00 PM – 8:30/9:00 PM. We will be inviting government leaders, members of the media, community leaders, and Rhode Island […]readmore
Latina celebrity begins promoting hashtag #TEAMHUMANITYMIAMI to instill respect and to help reestablish basic human values and relations in the world. (Miami, Fl. September 7, 2016) Colombian-American actress, television host and well-known speaker proposes a new altruistic initiative by launching the hashtag #TEAMHUMANITYMIAMI to help instill respect, love, equality, tolerance and human rights for everyone. […]readmore
EAST GREENWICH, RI – Today, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressmen Jim Langevin and David Cicilline announced over $160,000 in federal funding to help fire departments in East Greenwich and Portsmouth purchase needed safety equipment and enhance training programs. The funding is made available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Assistance […]readmore
PAWTUCKET – Mayor Donald R. Grebien welcomed Governor Gina Raimondo, Superintendent Patti DiCenso, Pawtucket School Department officials and representatives from the Rhode Island Department of Education, as they gathered to celebrate a $13.8 million renovation to Potter Burns Elementary School on Newport Avenue in Pawtucket. The renovations will include significant improvements to the school which […]readmore
A city in mourning say farewell to James E. Doyle, Pawtucket’s longest-serving mayor Pawtucket – Honorable James E. Doyle, 78, former Mayor of the City of Pawtucket (1998-2011), passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Friday, August 26th, 2016. He was the beloved husband of Joan C. (Richer) Doyle for 52 […]readmore
Former Mayor James E. Doyle died Friday night. He was 78. PAWTUCKET – Honorable James E. Doyle, 78, former Mayor of the City of Pawtucket (1998-2011), passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Friday, August 26th, 2016. He was the beloved husband of Joan C. (Richer) Doyle for 52 years. A […]readmore