Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) provided an update on Rhode Island’s response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. Today the Governor announced that Rhode Island will officially move into Phase 2 on Monday, June 1st. This decision was guided by […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS- Mayor James A. Diossa was pleased to announce the opening of a new COVID-19 testing site in the city today at the Rhode Island College “Hub” at 934 Dexter Street. This facility provides residents with access to testing within the densely populated city. The testing facility at 934 Dexter Street will serve as […]readmore
Photo File: Rhode Island State Senator Sandra Cano of Pawtucket and Central Falls Mayor James A. Diossa CENTRAL FALLS/ PAWTUCKET, RI – Rhode Island State Senator Sandra Cano of Pawtucket and Central Falls Mayor James A. Diossa have announced the creation of a community relief fund to be administered by Progreso Latino and Fuerza Laboral […]readmore
SMITHFIELD, RI (March 22, 2019) – The American Red Cross is helping one family – four adults– no children after a fire today on Walnut Lane, Smithfield. The Red Cross provided assistance to meet the family’s immediate needs. Responders included: Jamie Lynch, Steven Pechie, Serge Mckenna and Amy Rodenbaugh. The Red Cross is also providing comfort kits containing personal care items such as toothbrushes, deodorant; shaving supplies […]readmore
WARWICK, RI – Lt. Governor Daniel McKee today joined former Lt. Governor Charles Fogarty, Rhode Island Adjutant General Major Christopher Callahan, Rhode Island Blue Star Moms President Jennifer Ahrens and over 200 volunteers at the National Guard Armory in Warwick to assemble military care packages during the 17th Annual Operation Holiday Cheer. «Operation Holiday Cheer gives […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Thanks to the generosity of the Partnership for Rhode Island and Theresia Gouw, a board member of the Corporation of Brown University and of the online charity, DonorsChoose, 261 teacher projects across Rhode Island will be funded through the crowdfunding website The joint donation, totaling $131,648, will fully fund every project in the […]readmore
Colonel Michael Winquist, Chief of the Cranston Police Department, announces members of the Cranston Police Department have established safety initiatives on Halloween to ensure that all children and accompanying adults have a safe and Happy Halloween. The safety initiatives that will be implemented include increased patrols and establishing a “trunk or treat” location in front […]readmore
Changes to include different lane split configurations through the summerThe Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is reminding motorists about the upcoming temporary traffic pattern changes scheduled on I-95 in Providence as part of the $10.8 million Oxford Street Bridge rehabilitation project. The changes include lane splits this summer for both northbound and southbound traffic […]readmore
El Departamento de Transporte de Rhode Island (RIDOT) les recuerda a los automovilistas los próximos cambios temporales en el patrón de tráfico programados en la I-95 en Providence como parte del proyecto de rehabilitación del Puente de la Calle Oxford de $ 10.8 millones. Los cambios incluyen la división de carriles este verano para el […]readmore
JOHNSTON, RI ) – The American Red Cross is helping one family – four adults – three children after a fire Friday on Greenville Avenue, Johnston. The Red Cross provided assistance to meet the family’s immediate needs. Responders included: Robert Partington and Jamie Lynch Jr. The Red Cross is also providing comfort kits containing personal care items such as toothbrushes, deodorant; shaving supplies and other items a resident might […]readmore