Ad campaign is launched to spread word about amnesty

Effort begins with local news websites and radio stations; newspaper ads also planned
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The Rhode Island Division of Taxation this week launched an extensive advertising campaign to help spread the word about Rhode Island’s new tax amnesty program, which starts December 1.
Amnesty ads began appearing this week on local radio stations. Amnesty ads have also been posted on many local news websites (see example at right), and on a major web search engine.
As the campaign ramps up, amnesty ads will appear in local newspapers and inside Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) buses.
Other government agencies in Rhode Island will also join in to help get the word out – via their websites and by other means.
“Amnesty begins three weeks from tomorrow. It’s a busy time of year, and we need to get our message out: If you owe back taxes, and you pay what you owe, we will waive penalties and reduce your interest by 25 percent,” said Rhode Island Tax Administrator Neena Savage, who oversees the Division of Taxation.
“We understand that people and businesses can occasionally fall behind on their taxes due to illness, loss of a job, or other matters that can sometimes interrupt lives. Through amnesty, we can help you get a clean slate and get back on track,” she said.
The Division of Taxation recently unveiled a special tax amnesty website, began mailing amnesty-related paperwork, and opened a phone bank to field questions about amnesty from taxpayers, tax professionals, and others.
Tax amnesty is a unique opportunity for you to get a fresh start. Pay what you owe in delinquent Rhode Island state taxes – no matter the type of tax. In exchange, the Division will waive penalties and reduce, by 25 percent, the amount of interest normally charged.
Any person, corporation, or other entity that is subject to Rhode Island tax is eligible for amnesty – no matter where that person, corporation, or other entity is located. All Rhode Island state taxes are eligible – including personal income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, use tax, estate tax, unemployment insurance tax, withholding tax, and other Rhode Island state taxes.
The amnesty applies to taxes due for any taxable period ended on or before December 31, 2016. The Division begins accepting amnesty payments, amnesty tax returns, and related paperwork on December 1, 2017. Amnesty runs through February 15, 2018, and is also open to non-filers.
By phone: (401) 574-8650 (from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. business days)