A Raid on Cranston Street, Arrested Four

Providence, Rhode Island – Three men and a woman were arrested on August 18 during the raid on an apartment in the Cranston Street in Providence which, according to the police, functioned as a brothel. Detectives investigated the building on number 517 for two months and established that on the first floor the pimps received about 60 clients per day for performing sexual acts at $30 each. Those arrested are: Melvin García 41-year-old from 25 of the Tobey Street, Eulalio Ruiz Morente of 57 of 22 of the Arch Street, both in Providence with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. While another man, an alleged customer identified as Sebastian Morales of 21 of 107 of the Cumerford Street in Providence was charged with sexual conduct in exchange for a fee and Valerie Cruz Barrios, 19, of New Jersey faces a charge of prostitution. The police party shows that three women working in the brothel took $15 for every customer. None of the three women are from Rhode Island; one is from Guatemala, the other from Mexico and the third that faces charges is from New Jersey. The property owner is Blue Water Realty LLC of Barrington; a representative said he did not know that there was a brothel operating from that property. The operation was carried out with the police of Providence and the Department of Homeland Security.