DNC on Trump DOJ’s Latest Attack on Health Care

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement after it was reported that the Justice Department issued a new filing in lawsuit challenging the individual mandate that calls on courts to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act:
“Donald Trump and Republicans are obsessed with taking health care away from millions of Americans. For nearly a decade, Republicans have tried and failed to kill the ACA. This filing moves them one step closer to throwing the financial security and peace of mind of millions – not to mention one of the largest sectors of our economy – into a tailspin.
“This filing should alarm every American. It is an indisputable fact that the Affordable Care Act has saved lives, and Democrats will do everything in our power to protect it.
“Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege – and so do the American people. It’s time for the Trump administration and Republican leaders to stop playing games with people’s lives.”