Reed Announces Initial $22.49 Million for Rhode Island Winter Heating Assistance Households in need are encouraged to sign up early for LIHEAP to ensure they receive assistance

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced that the Obama
Administration is releasing $3 billion in low-income heating assistance funds under
the FY 2017 Continuing Resolution (CR). Under this initial release, Rhode Island
will receive $22,491,293 through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
(LIHEAP) to help families and seniors keep warm this winter.
«LIHEAP is an important lifeline that helps vulnerable families stay safe and keep
the heat on. I am pleased the Obama Administration is releasing this vital funding
to help states like Rhode Island prepare for the upcoming winter. It is critical to
get this assistance to those who need it most,» said Senator Reed, a senior member
of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the leading Congressional champion of the
LIHEAP program. Earlier this year, Reed helped the Appropriations Committee advance
a bill to provide $3.39 billion for LIHEAP in the next fiscal year.
LIHEAP is a federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their
home energy bills. The program is available to help Rhode Islanders who need
assistance in meeting the increasing cost of home energy and/or reducing the
severity of an energy-related crisis. Rhode Island’s LIHEAP is administered by the
Department of Human Services, and about 35,000 Rhode Islanders received assistance
through the program last year.
Rhode Islanders wishing to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
may go to the Rhode Island Department of Human Services
and links to an online application. Or, Rhode Islanders may contact their local
Community Action Agency
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, states will soon
receive approximately 90% of their full year allocations under the FY 2017
Continuing Resolution. This level gives states certainty to plan for their upcoming
heating season while allowing Congress flexibility in setting a final funding level
for the program when it wraps up work on next year’s appropriations process.
Eligibility for LIHEAP is based on income, family size, and the availability of
resources. Households in need are encouraged to sign up early for LIHEAP to ensure
they receive assistance.