Committee of Practitioners to convene for 3rd meeting today


The R.I. Committee of Practitioners, which is providing the R.I. Department of
Education (RIDE) with guidance and feedback as the RIDE staff develops the Rhode
Island plan for transition to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), will hold its
third meeting. The Committee members will discuss the features
of a comprehensive accountability system and strategies for school transformation.

The newly enacted ESSA provides Rhode Island an opportunity for innovation and
flexibility in a number of key areas, including academic standards, accountability,
support for school improvement, student and educator support, and use of federal
education funds. The Committee meets monthly in order to review any proposed state
rule or regulation relating to the implementation of ESSA. All Committee meetings
are open to the public.

The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, currently ESSA, requires all
states to establish a Committee of Practitioners to advise the state regarding
implementation of the federal education law.

Further information about the Committee of Practitioners

The role of the Committee of Practitioners:

Members of the Committee of Practitioners serve as representatives of their networks
and stakeholder groups throughout Rhode Island. This service entails participation
in monthly two-hour meetings, preparation through review of materials and
consultation with colleagues, feedback on proposed sections or drafts of the Rhode
Island State ESSA Plan, and provision of advice to the RIDE team to aid in
development of a final plan. Members also have the opportunity, if desired, to
consult with critical stakeholder groups and to participate in community meetings
regarding transition to ESSA.

Committee meetings:

Meetings take place on Wednesdays, from 4 to 6 p.m. Meetings through December will
take place at the United Way of Rhode Island, 50 Valley St, Providence. The next
scheduled dates are as follows: October 19; November 30; December 14; January 25,
2017; February 22, 2017; March 22, 2017; April 19, 2017; May 17, 2017; and June 14,

Where to learn more:

RIDE has created a web page at,
where we post ESSA resources and Committee information.
